2008 Nov 18 7:36 AM
hi every one,
Transaction name : MB1A.
In screen 421, there are fields to be entered. i want some validations to be put on some input fields.
on this screen there is no customer exit i could find. so pls help me out as soon as possible as there is instant requirement.
2008 Nov 18 7:40 AM
2008 Nov 18 9:57 AM
Thanks for reply..
but this is not what i exactly want.
there is one customized msg coming on standard screen (Validation) for LIFNR of transaction MB1A.
But from exactly its coming i m not able to find it out .even in debugging mode when it comes to field check in flow logic of the screen , it just gives the msg without executing any code.
for a moment i thought i would be coming from a field exit.but for lifnr there no field exit is active in the existing version.
above is one case...
another case is that i want to apply a validation on wbs element which user will enter in screen no 421 in MB1A.
but i couldnt find a customer exit or field exit.
i want to validate this WBS Element with the PO No user entered..
Pls help me out guys..
2008 Nov 18 10:01 AM
just click on the message you are getting in status bar.
you can find the mesage number and class.
now goto se91 transaction give message class and number
and pree where used list ,you can find where it is called.
2008 Nov 18 7:41 AM
Plz refer this thread.
2008 Nov 20 11:41 AM