2008 Nov 18 2:27 PM
Hi all,
I have a problem regarding a table control I use to display some pdf files. In my table control I have a line for every pdf-document and a row "number" that correspondes to document number. I developed a fm that retrieves my pdf when I double click the corresponding number from my table control. The problem is I always get only the first document. After debuging It seems that the parameter current_line is always 1 even if I select the 3rd line for example.
Can anyone tell me why do I have this issue?
Thank you in advance.
2008 Nov 18 3:36 PM
hope this will help you out
READ TABLE it_mast INDEX tab_cnt1-current_line.
Thanks & Regards,
2008 Nov 18 3:39 PM
2008 Nov 19 7:53 AM
I want to make a remark. When I'm scrooling down it seems that I get the correct index only if the line is set as first. I mean that, if I scroll downt and the 3rd line goes on the first place it has current_line = 3, else it's always 1.