2010 Dec 20 1:38 PM
Hi folks
I am trying to use a kind of recursivity to handle ALV data changed.
The method HANDLE_DATA_CHANGED is triggered whenever I change a certain cell and press Enter.
Inside this method, I want to force the content of another cell to be changed and want this method HANDLE_DATA_CHANGED to be called recursively, so that the same logic fills the rest of the line as it does when I really modify the 1st cell.
The logic of HANDLE_DATA_CHANGED starts with a loop on lt_mod_cells. lt_mod_cells is filled the following way:
lt_mod_cells = er_data_changed->mt_mod_cells, where er_data_changed is an instance of CL_ALV_CHANGED_DATA_PROTOCOL.
If I simply add a line to lt_mod_cells, I get a short dump because inside method HANDLE_DATA_CHANGED there is a call to
And inside the instance er_data_changed, there is only the relevant information about the cell I manually changed in the frontend, but nothing related to the cell I added via ABAP to lt_mod_cells.
And by the way, it doesn't seem very trivial to manually fill all the necessary tables inside instance er_data_changed, so that my manually added line gets properly changed.
Any suggestions??
2010 Dec 20 2:56 PM
Hi Marcello,
you may make use of
FOR EVENT data_changed_finished OF cl_gui_alv_grid
IMPORTING e_modified
and possibly raise event data_changed again after applying the changes to the data. But this won't be easy because the changed data should come from the frontend (manually entered).
I don't think it is useful to trigger chack_changed_data for data you set by program. You can set them directly in the table displayed and call the refresh method.