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User Exit for F-47

Former Member
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I need to populate the 'Amount' field ( when creating new item) from PO Items Netprice and 'Payment Ref' value with few validation.

Can anyone provide me the correct user exit for this.

If not user exit , can anyone provide the correct enhancement spot?


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Fonseca,

Since you are dealing with a FI transaction and your need is to populate/substitute the value of a particular field, you can try using FI Substitution to meet the requirement.

You can also refer to the following link for further details on FI substitution:


Hope it helps.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Though not able to provide you exact exit/badi, iam giving the possible exits and badi for f-47.

check out. it might help u bit.!

For F-47

 _Exit Name           Description_
F050S001            FIDCMT, FIDCC1, FIDCC2: Edit user-defined IDoc segment
 F050S002            FIDCC1: Change IDoc/do not send
 F050S003            FIDCC2: Change IDoc/do not send
 F050S004            FIDCMT, FIDCC1, FIDCC2: Change outbound IDoc/do not send
 F050S005            FIDCMT, FIDCC1, FIDCC2 Inbound IDoc: Change FI document
 F050S006            FI Outgoing IDoc: Reset Clearing in FI Document
 F050S007            FIDCCH Outbound: Influence on IDoc for Document Change
 F180A001            Balance Sheet Adjustment
 FARC0002            Additional Checks for Archiving MM Vendor Master Data
 FEDI0001            Function Exits for EDI in FI
 RFAVIS01            Customer Exit for Changing Payment Advice Segment Text
 RFEPOS00            Line item display: Checking of selection conditions
 RFKORIEX            Automatic correspondence
 SAPLF051            Workflow for FI (pre-capture, release for payment)

 _Badi Name            Description_

 AC_QUANTITY_GET      Change Quantities on Transfer from SD to Accounting
 ADJUST_NET_DAYS      Net due days adjustment in FI document
 BADI_ENJ_ALT_ADR     Branch to FI-CA Account Balance and so on.
 BADI_F040_SCREEN_600 Example for Screen Enhancement in F040 Screen 600
 BADI_F040_SCREEN_600 Test Badi F040 Screen 600
 BADI_FDCB_SUBBAS01   Example for Screen Enhancement 1 on FDCB Basic Data Screen
 BADI_FDCB_SUBBAS01   FM Implementation for BADI_FDCB_SUBBAS01
 BADI_FDCB_SUBBAS02   Example for Screen Enhancement 2 on FDCB Basic Data Screen
 BADI_FDCB_SUBBAS02   Improper Invoice Screen for  Prompt Payment Act
 BADI_FDCB_SUBBAS03   WRF Prepayment Implementation for BADI_FDCB_SUBBAS03
 BADI_MIRO_SPLT_ADD   Transfer Partner Bank Type to FI in Chain Liability process
 BADI_PRKNG_NO_UPDATE Parked Invoices should not update Accounting receivers
 FBAS_CIN_LTAX1F02    CIN implementation for LTAX1
 FBAS_CIN_MF05AFA0    Invoice - Downpayment clear - Tax transfer
 FI_AUTHORITY_ITEM    Authorization Check FM Account Assignments
 FI_DOC_DISP_LI       Document Line Item Display Inventory Accounting
 FI_FB08_SUBST_BUDAT  Fin. services posting date for FI Doc reversal . with FB08
 FI_HEADER_SUB_1300   Finanzdienstl. - Buchungsdat. für FI-Belegkopf berichtigen
 FI_HEADER_SUB_1300   Example for Screen Enhancement in SAPMF05A Screen 1300
 FI_RES_ITEM_CURRENCY Implement Document of Residual Item with Invoice Currency
 FVFZ                 FI Interface for Loans
 RFESR000_BADI_001    Import ISR Post Payments



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Fonseca,

Use Exits

F050S006, F180A001, RFAVIS01, RFEPOS00.

Have a Nice Day,



Former Member
0 Kudos


check the link,

and run the program in the link we will find the exits for transaction

