2008 Sep 22 10:54 AM
Hello All,
I need the User Exit to Add the Profit Centre at Delivery level..!
I tried in this MV50AFZ1 Form FORM userexit_move_field_to_lips.
but its not working...
So please let me know the userexit and the code..!
Thanks in Advance
2008 Sep 22 11:05 AM
you can add Profit center in Tcode : VA02(Order level).
Go to Items view --> select accounting overview -->Profit center.
also , check this Exits..for VA02 Tcode.
SDTRM001 Reschedule schedule lines without a new ATP check
V45A0001 Determine alternative materials for product selection
V45A0002 Predefine sold-to party in sales document
V45A0003 Collector for customer function modulpool MV45A
V45A0004 Copy packing proposal
V45E0001 Update the purchase order from the sales order
V45E0002 Data transfer in procurement elements (PRreq., assembly)
V45L0001 SD component supplier processing (customer enhancements)
V45P0001 SD customer function for cross-company code sales
V45S0001 Update sales document from configuration
V45S0003 MRP-relevance for incomplete configuration
V45S0004 Effectivity type in sales order
V45W0001 SD Service Management: Forward Contract Data to Item
V46H0001 SD Customer functions for resource-related billing
V60F0001 SD Billing plan (customer enhancement) diff. to billing plan
Edited by: deepthi dandibhotla on Sep 22, 2008 12:15 PM
2008 Sep 22 11:32 AM
I can Provide it in Order level and Billing level but the User wants it in Delivery level..!
Please help me out
2008 Sep 22 11:21 AM
2008 Sep 22 11:35 AM
Dear Babu ,
Do u want to pass some value to profit center field of LIPS ??? , if so MV50AFZ1 can be used , if u want the code , send me ur requirement , i 'll do it based on that .
2008 Sep 22 11:52 AM
Hello Ramesh,
My Requirment is like this
According to the Batch i need to update profit centre.
if charge+0(1) is 'D' "batch.
prctr is ''0000001000' and so on..
Please kindly do the need full
2008 Sep 23 5:57 AM
Dear Babu ,
In mv50afz1 u can modify the values of lips structure according to the requirement , how ever that profit center is not maintained on extended for tht particular mat/plant combination u will get incompletion log , u can directly write the code as
if cond1 = 'X'.
LIPS-PRCTR = '0002020'.
This should work. IF not give me the error tht u r getting ..
2008 Sep 23 7:07 AM
Hello Ramesh,
We need to maintain the profit center derivation rule in the delivery or billing document, i.e. if batch no starts as A- Profit center-1000, B -Profit center-2000. We have used some user exit in order and working fine. where as our client is interested to have same in delivery or billing document. Is there any user exits are available. The profit center should be determined as per batch no starts and not as maintained in the material master.
Its working in Delivery..
but its not carrying to Billing please help me out
2008 Sep 23 7:12 AM
Hi ,
u can try RV60AFZZ for Billing Doc.
but still u have to know more details abt this requirement ? , as per my knowledge , PC will comes from Material+Plant Master data , So if u change PC of these documents using any kind of user exits , it wont reflect in G/L documents, so ask ur functional ppls , whats the exact requirements ?
2008 Sep 23 7:23 PM
Hi Prabhu..
We need to maintain the profit center derivation rule in the delivery or billing document, i.e. if batch no starts as A- Profit center-1000, B -Profit center-2000. We have used some user exit in order and working fine. where as our client is interested to have same in delivery or billing document. The profit center should be determined as per batch no starts and not as maintained in the material master.
now I did it in Delivery its working fine only in Delivery but its not carrying to Billing
so please help me out which carries for entire cycle
my code is like this
Include MV50AFZ1
FORM userexit_save_document_prepare.
LOOP AT xlips.
IF xlips-charg+0(1) EQ 'D'.
xlips-prctr = '0000001000'.
ELSEIF xlips-charg+0(1) EQ 'E'.
xlips-prctr = '0000001200'.
ELSEIF xlips-charg+0(1) EQ 'R'.
xlips-prctr = '0000001300'.
ELSEIF xlips-charg+0(1) EQ 'M'
OR xlips-charg+0(1) EQ 'P'
OR xlips-charg+0(1) EQ 'N'
OR xlips-charg+0(1) EQ 'U'
OR xlips-charg+0(1) EQ 'H'
OR xlips-charg+0(1) EQ 'L'
OR xlips-charg+0(1) EQ 'S'
OR xlips-charg+0(1) EQ 'O'
OR xlips-charg+0(1) EQ 'Y'
OR xlips-charg+0(1) EQ 'B'
OR xlips-charg+0(1) EQ 'A'
OR xlips-charg+0(1) EQ 'I'.
xlips-prctr = '0000009001'.
MODIFY xlips.
CLEAR xlips.
Babu Aeda