2010 Oct 28 9:25 AM
we need to change a smartform in order to manage the print of an archived FI document.
For SD invoice we used first fi_document_record to check if document is archived or not, then FAGL_GET_ARCH_FI_DOCUMENT to extract data from archive.
For SD invoice, BKPF-AWKEY is the VBELN of VBRK and it's OK.
we are not able to use function fi_document_record for other document because in field AWKEY I found a concatenation of BELNR, BUKRS and year, while the input ffield of function is 10 chars
can someone suggest me another fuction?
2010 Oct 28 9:34 AM
Try to use first ten characters for parameter AWREF and following ten characters for parameter AWORG
(FI_DOCUMENT_RECORD will concatenate both fields)
2010 Oct 28 9:34 AM
Try to use first ten characters for parameter AWREF and following ten characters for parameter AWORG
(FI_DOCUMENT_RECORD will concatenate both fields)