2005 May 13 10:48 AM
i have to write an abap that sends a pdf-file from a unix (SAP server) by mail to some people.
The mailing part is done, but for creating the attachment. I'm reading the pdf-file into an internal table (in a binary way). Then i'm using this int.table to send the mail.
The email is sent with an attachment, but i cannot open the pdf-file because of an error ( file damaged ). So before sending it by mail, i'm downloading the pdf file to my pc by using WS_DOWNLOAD with the same internal table. The download file gives the same error.
If i look at the size :
- originally pdf file 71743 bytes
- resulting pdf file 71665 bytes (281 lines x 255)
The creation of the internal table is as follows :
open dataset g_file for input in binary mode.
check sy-subrc eq 0.
* read dataset g_file MAXIMUM LENGTH 255 into wa_pdf.
read dataset g_file into wa_pdf.
if sy-subrc ne 0. exit. endif.
append wa_pdf_hex to i_pdf.
close dataset g_file.
types: tt_pdf type table of soli, "raw 255 long
data: i_pdf type tt_pdf,
wa_pdf like line of i_pdf
Is there a better way to read in the pdf-file ? Any suggestions ?
2005 May 13 11:29 AM
Hello Hans,
this is a little example from a program to send mail with picture. The problem is the same
form p_create_mail tables itab_html.
data : object_hd_change like sood1 occurs 0 with header line,
objpara like selc occurs 0 with header line,
receivers like soos1 occurs 0 with header line,
packing_list like soxpl occurs 0 with header line,
fic_attach like soli occurs 0 with header line,
struct_user_adress like usaddress ,
v_file(80) type c ,
v_buff(255) type c ,
v_num(9) type n,
v_length type i ,
v_total_length type i,
v_len(9) type n.
move : 'HTM' to object_hd_change-file_ext ,
'PIOU' to object_hd_change-objdes.
append object_hd_change.
* Find email addr for the username.
loop at s_bname.
call function 'SUSR_USER_READ'
user_name = s_bname-low
user_address = struct_user_adress
user_name_not_exists = 1
internal_error = 2
others = 3.
select single smtp_addr
into receivers-recextnam
from adr6
where addrnumber eq struct_user_adress-addrnumber
and persnumber eq struct_user_adress-persnumber.
if sy-subrc eq space.
move 'U' to receivers-recesc.
append receivers.
* Get the picture.
move '/sap_interfaces/D27/pzr_00/data/test/logopharma.gif'
to v_file.
open dataset v_file for input in binary mode.
read dataset v_file into v_buff length v_length.
v_total_length = v_length + v_total_length.
move v_buff+0(v_length) to fic_attach-line+0(v_length).
append fic_attach.
if sy-subrc ne space.
describe table fic_attach lines v_num.
describe field fic_attach-line length v_len.
move : 'Logo' to packing_list-objdes ,
'Logo' to packing_list-objnam ,
'1' to packing_list-body_start ,
'raw' to packing_list-objtp ,
'GIF' to packing_list-file_ext .
packing_list-body_num = v_num.
packing_list-objlen = v_num * v_len.
append packing_list.
* Send mail.
call function 'SO_OBJECT_SEND'
object_hd_change = object_hd_change
object_type = 'RAW'
owner = sy-uname
objcont = itab_html
objpara = objpara
receivers = receivers
packing_list = packing_list
att_cont = fic_attach
others = 01.
endform. " P_CREATE_MAIL.
2005 May 13 11:24 AM
You can use for example command 'mailx' on unix where you indicate the path file of pdf directly on server unix.
In abap program, you can try to open the file using open dataset; transfer the data into internal table defined as structure 'tline'; call standard fm "QCE1_CONVERT" to convert the format table. In this mode I'm able to read a document using acrobat reader without problem.
2005 May 13 11:29 AM
Hello Hans,
this is a little example from a program to send mail with picture. The problem is the same
form p_create_mail tables itab_html.
data : object_hd_change like sood1 occurs 0 with header line,
objpara like selc occurs 0 with header line,
receivers like soos1 occurs 0 with header line,
packing_list like soxpl occurs 0 with header line,
fic_attach like soli occurs 0 with header line,
struct_user_adress like usaddress ,
v_file(80) type c ,
v_buff(255) type c ,
v_num(9) type n,
v_length type i ,
v_total_length type i,
v_len(9) type n.
move : 'HTM' to object_hd_change-file_ext ,
'PIOU' to object_hd_change-objdes.
append object_hd_change.
* Find email addr for the username.
loop at s_bname.
call function 'SUSR_USER_READ'
user_name = s_bname-low
user_address = struct_user_adress
user_name_not_exists = 1
internal_error = 2
others = 3.
select single smtp_addr
into receivers-recextnam
from adr6
where addrnumber eq struct_user_adress-addrnumber
and persnumber eq struct_user_adress-persnumber.
if sy-subrc eq space.
move 'U' to receivers-recesc.
append receivers.
* Get the picture.
move '/sap_interfaces/D27/pzr_00/data/test/logopharma.gif'
to v_file.
open dataset v_file for input in binary mode.
read dataset v_file into v_buff length v_length.
v_total_length = v_length + v_total_length.
move v_buff+0(v_length) to fic_attach-line+0(v_length).
append fic_attach.
if sy-subrc ne space.
describe table fic_attach lines v_num.
describe field fic_attach-line length v_len.
move : 'Logo' to packing_list-objdes ,
'Logo' to packing_list-objnam ,
'1' to packing_list-body_start ,
'raw' to packing_list-objtp ,
'GIF' to packing_list-file_ext .
packing_list-body_num = v_num.
packing_list-objlen = v_num * v_len.
append packing_list.
* Send mail.
call function 'SO_OBJECT_SEND'
object_hd_change = object_hd_change
object_type = 'RAW'
owner = sy-uname
objcont = itab_html
objpara = objpara
receivers = receivers
packing_list = packing_list
att_cont = fic_attach
others = 01.
endform. " P_CREATE_MAIL.
2005 May 13 12:36 PM
Thanx Frederic,
your code has helped me with the solution of the problem.