2007 Jul 07 3:56 AM
Hi All,
I am getting an unicode error when using 'Read dataset' or 'Transfer dataset' statements if the field referred from the table has decimal data type.
Is it so that we have to type cast it in the ECC 6.0 version?
Could anybody pls help resolving this error?
Thanks in Advance,
2007 Jul 08 6:48 AM
Can you give more details about your data types that your are moving values?
In Unicode while moving values the data type of variables are mutually convertable.
2007 Jul 07 4:56 AM
2007 Jul 07 5:28 AM
open dataset fnam for input in legacy text mode code page '1100'.
2007 Jul 08 6:21 AM
Thanks for your reply.
But, still I have some problem.
Can we move values between 2 fields having different data types?
Thanks in advance.
2007 Jul 08 6:48 AM
Can you give more details about your data types that your are moving values?
In Unicode while moving values the data type of variables are mutually convertable.
2007 Jul 08 8:09 AM
I have two internal tables.One has similar structure to that of Std SAP table and a field in that has decimal data type according to the std defined.
I have to move this value to my internal table in which I have type casted the field having decimal datatype into char data type as decimal type is not supported in Unicode...
Again, I have to move the values in the internal table to another internal table having similar structure to that of std SAP table.
Will it work?
Thanks in advance,
2007 Jul 08 3:20 PM
Hi Sushmitha,
moving decimal (packed) values to CHAR field always works. Take care that the CHAR field is long enough so that value does not get truncated.
The way back from CHAR to decimal field works if the numbers are in numeric format. You can try with
<decimalfield> = <charfield>..
CATCH cx_sy_conversion_no_number CONVT_OVERFLOW.
2007 Jul 11 6:12 PM