2013 Jul 09 12:56 PM
Hi All,
I'm able to create vendor master record using class VMD_EI_API and method MAINTAIN_BAPI but not able to update vendor master record using same class .
Can anybody please suggest what is the process to update vendor master record using this class VMD_EI_API ?
2013 Jul 10 7:31 AM
Where are you finding the difficulty?
MAINTAIN_BAPI can be used for updating Vendor as well. Just tried it and it works well.
Below are sample codes for updating address of Vendor:
DATA: lt_vendors TYPE vmds_ei_extern_t,
ls_vendors TYPE vmds_ei_extern,
ls_address TYPE cvis_ei_address1,
gs_vmds_extern TYPE vmds_ei_main.
ls_vendors-header-object_instance-lifnr = p_lifnr. "Pass the Vendor Number to be updt
ls_vendors-header-object_task = 'U'. "Represents update
* Set the Name
ls_address-postal-data-name = 'Test'. "Name of the Vendor
ls_address-postal-data-street = 'Flat 105, ABS Road'.
ls_address-postal-data-postl_cod1 = '400062'.
ls_address-postal-data-region = '13'.
ls_address-postal-data-country = 'IN'.
ls_address-postal-data-sort1 = gv_name.
ls_address-postal-data-langu = sy-langu.
* For all the fields where value was provided, set the flag value also to be 'X'
ls_address-postal-datax-name = 'X'.
ls_address-postal-datax-street = 'X'.
ls_address-postal-datax-postl_cod1 = 'X'.
ls_address-postal-datax-region = 'X'.
ls_address-postal-datax-sort1 = 'X'.
ls_address-postal-datax-country = 'X'.
ls_address-postal-datax-langu = 'X'.
* Represents that we are updating address of the Vendor
ls_address-task = 'U'.
* Set the Address for the Vendor
ls_vendors-central_data-address = ls_address.
APPEND ls_vendors TO lt_vendors.
* Set the Final Vendor Data based on which it has to be updated
* Note if multiple vendors are to be updated...please maintain multiple entries in LT_VENDORS
gs_vmds_extern-vendors = lt_vendors[].
* Initialize all the data
vmd_ei_api=>initialize( ).
* Call the Method for updation of Vendor.
CALL METHOD vmd_ei_api=>maintain_bapi
is_master_data = gs_vmds_extern
es_master_data_correct = gs_vmds_succ
es_message_correct = gs_succ_messages
es_master_data_defective = gs_vmds_error
es_message_defective = gs_err_messages.
IF gs_err_messages-is_error IS INITIAL.
Let me know as to what error are you receiving!
2013 Jul 09 2:22 PM
Hi Alok,
Please look at the code for creation of vendor using class VMD_EI_API
Please close the thread if it is helpful/answered.
2013 Jul 10 5:36 AM
2013 Jul 10 7:31 AM
Where are you finding the difficulty?
MAINTAIN_BAPI can be used for updating Vendor as well. Just tried it and it works well.
Below are sample codes for updating address of Vendor:
DATA: lt_vendors TYPE vmds_ei_extern_t,
ls_vendors TYPE vmds_ei_extern,
ls_address TYPE cvis_ei_address1,
gs_vmds_extern TYPE vmds_ei_main.
ls_vendors-header-object_instance-lifnr = p_lifnr. "Pass the Vendor Number to be updt
ls_vendors-header-object_task = 'U'. "Represents update
* Set the Name
ls_address-postal-data-name = 'Test'. "Name of the Vendor
ls_address-postal-data-street = 'Flat 105, ABS Road'.
ls_address-postal-data-postl_cod1 = '400062'.
ls_address-postal-data-region = '13'.
ls_address-postal-data-country = 'IN'.
ls_address-postal-data-sort1 = gv_name.
ls_address-postal-data-langu = sy-langu.
* For all the fields where value was provided, set the flag value also to be 'X'
ls_address-postal-datax-name = 'X'.
ls_address-postal-datax-street = 'X'.
ls_address-postal-datax-postl_cod1 = 'X'.
ls_address-postal-datax-region = 'X'.
ls_address-postal-datax-sort1 = 'X'.
ls_address-postal-datax-country = 'X'.
ls_address-postal-datax-langu = 'X'.
* Represents that we are updating address of the Vendor
ls_address-task = 'U'.
* Set the Address for the Vendor
ls_vendors-central_data-address = ls_address.
APPEND ls_vendors TO lt_vendors.
* Set the Final Vendor Data based on which it has to be updated
* Note if multiple vendors are to be updated...please maintain multiple entries in LT_VENDORS
gs_vmds_extern-vendors = lt_vendors[].
* Initialize all the data
vmd_ei_api=>initialize( ).
* Call the Method for updation of Vendor.
CALL METHOD vmd_ei_api=>maintain_bapi
is_master_data = gs_vmds_extern
es_master_data_correct = gs_vmds_succ
es_message_correct = gs_succ_messages
es_master_data_defective = gs_vmds_error
es_message_defective = gs_err_messages.
IF gs_err_messages-is_error IS INITIAL.
Let me know as to what error are you receiving!
2013 Jul 10 8:18 AM
Thanks Vineesh!
Now I'm also able to update vendor master data with the help of your code as I was not setting flag value 'X' in datax fields.
Once again thank you very much..
2014 Mar 22 9:21 AM
Hi iam getting error 'address number or address handle missing' while creating conatct person detail using vmd_ei_api... please suggest which fields should be pass.
2014 Mar 24 6:12 AM
Did you check the link below?
The below set of codes are to be checked....
* Set Contact Person
REFRESH: lt_contacts[].
CLEAR ls_contacts.
ls_contacts-task = 'I'. "Represents Creation of Contact person
ls_contacts-address_type_3-task = 'I'. "Represents Creation of Address for CP
* Specify how many Contact Person numbers are to be obtained
* This will simply provide us a contact person number
* NOTE: If the note 1749700 is present in the system, then the contact person number can be left empty
quantity = '1'
contactid = lv_contactid.
ls_contacts-data_key-parnr = lv_contactid. "Contact Person Number
* Set the Name for Contact person
ls_contacts-address_type_3-postal-data-fullname = 'John Doe'.
ls_contacts-address_type_3-postal-data-firstname = 'John'.
ls_contacts-address_type_3-postal-data-lastname = 'Doe'.
APPEND ls_contacts TO lt_contacts.
2014 Mar 26 3:52 AM
Hi, i check the link also but the issuse is record iare.
1. if im using maintain_bapi for creation of contact person as per ur above code its executing but value is not populating in knvk table or vendor ' screen in xk02 tcode.
2. if im using maintain _bapi for editing contact person ie. first im using bdc to create contact person of vendor with mandatory field (name, last name, department& p.function)
second adding communication details such as telephone fax or email(by using address_type3 structure) its showing error:'Address Number or Address handle missing'. But the thing is im passing adrnr in address->postal(structure ) of vendor.
so kindly suggest wer is the error?
2019 Oct 17 5:34 AM