2006 Aug 04 2:29 PM
Hi all,
I'm working in Project Systems. I have customized table GB01 to allow me to perform a substitution on a customfield I added to table PRPS. It all works great on the dev box. But, and there always seems to be a but, I noticed that the QA box does not include the changes I made to GB01 on the dev box. Can someoen tell me if I should transport table GB01 to the QA instance, and if so how? Or, should I run my program on the QA box to add the necessary records on the QA box...although...that doesn't sound quite right.
2006 Aug 04 2:33 PM
Ideally when you enhance the table, you would be prompted to include the changes in a transport request which should be transported when everything works fine in dev system.
You should transport the changes(Not the table).If you haven't done this, do it now and see.
2006 Aug 04 2:33 PM
Ideally when you enhance the table, you would be prompted to include the changes in a transport request which should be transported when everything works fine in dev system.
You should transport the changes(Not the table).If you haven't done this, do it now and see.
2006 Aug 04 2:44 PM
There is no maintenace view for table GB01. As a result I had to write a program to peform the insert...thus no prompt for a transport. Your thoughts?
2006 Aug 04 2:48 PM
Hi Mathew,
1) if you want to transport the entries in the table, then go to the table entries transaction se16 and Choose from menu
Table Entries->Transport Entries.
2006 Aug 04 2:50 PM
When I have modified GB01 in the past to allow substitutions, I did the transport in different ways.
A couple of times I transported the Z program, ran it in QAS and PRD, created a new transport in DEV to delete the program, and the processed that transport.
Another method I have used is to manually create a transport.
Use SE10 to create a new transport request (workbench).
Manually put entries in for R3TR TABU GB01.
Be sure to specify the KEY in the transport!
more detail-
Once GB01 is entered in the transport, press return.
Double click the "K" under Funct.
Select "+" icon to add a key.
Double click on the KEY field to display and enter the keys for this record.
Verify only this record is in the transport.
When you are on the object list, select GOTO -> DISPLAY TABLE CONTENTS -> SPECIFIED BY REQUEST.
As far as I remember, you cannot transport these records with SE16.