2009 Jan 28 11:01 AM
I've created a transaction in SE93 and i specified a screen variant.
When i execute my transaction, the variant fills the fields of the selection screen and wait for a validation. I don't want that. I want to skip the selection screen and display the next dynpro. Since the variant feeds the selection screen, I don't undersatnd why it asks fo a validation.
I want the same effect than a SUBMIT <program> USING SELECTION-SET <variant>.
Any ideas ?
2009 Jan 28 11:41 AM
If there is some validation that you have coded then it will definitely prompt when you execute the code ..
in case of SUBMIT there is no frontend processing hence you dont get the prompt..
So better modify your validation in a way that it does not prompt when proper values are filled up.
2009 Jan 28 11:41 AM
If there is some validation that you have coded then it will definitely prompt when you execute the code ..
in case of SUBMIT there is no frontend processing hence you dont get the prompt..
So better modify your validation in a way that it does not prompt when proper values are filled up.
2009 Jan 28 11:53 AM
Acutally, i didn't set up any validation. I've just created two parameters which generate a selection screen 1000. Is it possible to desactivate the validation requirement on the selection screen ?
2009 Jan 28 11:59 AM
Though you have defined 2 parameter fields on selection screen, these fields might be having internal check table validation.
If some values are passed into these fields, the check table validation might have got triggered and may be the check table doesnot hold these values. This might be a case for validation been done.
2009 Jan 28 1:26 PM
The two values that i pass through my selection screen are two CHAR. There is no control on these values.
When i call my transaction, the variant feeds the fields and then, we need to click on the execution button (with the green clock) to continue and pass to the other dynpro.
I dont know why it stays on the dynpro 1000 as the two have been filled....