2008 Jun 16 6:49 AM
i have a selection screen in which date range is being given
say eg 23/06/07 to 23/12/08
based on this date i want to select data from a ztable
eg i want to select a field amount from table
and three is a field date range on the table
for this particular field i want to select all records for amount field and factual field falling wiithing this date range and sum it
based on date range as in selcetion screen
select amount( field1) factual ( field2) from ztable into it_ztable where date = ?....
please give me code for it and how to sum all values as i will get from the ztable into internal table the two values as fetched from the ztable
please suggest asap
2008 Jun 16 7:01 AM
You can use the ranges table for your requirement.It is similar to select -option. You have to fill low as lower date , high as high data ,option as 'EQ' and sign as 'I'. You can write select query as
select sum(currency)
from dtab1
where date in r_date.
2008 Jun 16 7:01 AM
You can use the ranges table for your requirement.It is similar to select -option. You have to fill low as lower date , high as high data ,option as 'EQ' and sign as 'I'. You can write select query as
select sum(currency)
from dtab1
where date in r_date.
2008 Jun 16 7:36 AM
i am using
sELECT field1 field2 FROM Ztable INto it_matu
where DATE GE sl_dat-low
AND DATE LE sl_dat-high.
i am getting data in internal table but
say i have twelve records now i want to sum it the both the columns into and use that sum final amount to display
let me know how to use sume in the intrranal tabl do i need to use control statement
how to use the sum for two columns and take into a serperate variable to display
2008 Jun 17 8:41 AM