2008 May 16 4:15 PM
Hi everyone!
Users need to search a supplier (LIFNR) by BURKS and STCDT. The standard help of LIFNR is KRED_C and this type of help don't exist in standard SAP (search by BURKS and STCDT).
I am looking for one solution because I don't want to modify the standard help. Do you know some solution more?
Sorry by my English in advance, and thanks!!!
2008 May 16 4:42 PM
Welcome To SDN!!.
You should try to not modify standard SAP search helps -
they are generally easy to replace with customer search
help versions without modifying the original.
in SE11 display the original KRED_C collective search help,
and select the menu option "Goto-->Append Search Help".
This will display a pop-up listing existing appends.
Select the create button in the pop-up and give the new append a Z name - say Z_KRED_C
and save it. In the new Z_KRED_C append go to the Included Search Helps tab and type
in and select the "Hide" checkbox. Save and activate. This has now hidden the
help in the original KRED_C collective search help - go back and test it to see.
Kiran Sure