2008 Aug 12 5:07 AM
Hi ,
Does anyone have any idea about the table T457C and the FM CALL_TRANASACTION . how do we maintain entries in the table T457C ?
Thanks and Best Regards,
2008 Aug 12 5:16 AM
the table T457C have the entries for Transaction calls control data based on transaction group, MRP Element and status.
if you want to enter any values to this table, this table have table maintenance. so you can use the transaction SM30 to enter the data directly to this table.
i think there is no call_transaction FM in ECC6.0. but call transaction statement is used to display the transaction via report programming and it is also useful to upload the data for particular transaction.
Boobalan S
2008 Aug 12 5:16 AM
the table T457C have the entries for Transaction calls control data based on transaction group, MRP Element and status.
if you want to enter any values to this table, this table have table maintenance. so you can use the transaction SM30 to enter the data directly to this table.
i think there is no call_transaction FM in ECC6.0. but call transaction statement is used to display the transaction via report programming and it is also useful to upload the data for particular transaction.
Boobalan S
2008 Aug 12 5:28 AM
Hi ,
As for table T457C , table maintenace is already provide by Standrd sap, if you wanna maintain entries in that table, then you can follow the belwo steps.
Display your table,
Menu> utilkities> table contents--> craete Entries.
now continue with the pop up message.
You shoudl be able to craet eentries now.
There is no FM like Call_transaction, but there is a abap statment in ABAP Call_transaction. The purpose of the statement is to call the any Tcode from the program dircetly.
Revrt back if any issues.
2008 Aug 12 5:31 AM