2009 Feb 26 5:08 PM
Hi Gurus!
Could anyone please let me know what exactly is the problem with my this part of code , its giving me syntax errors saying tables with header lines not supported with OO concept.
The parameters used here are:
IV_KNUMV Importing Type KNUMV
IV_KPOSN Importing Type KPOSN
data: lv_kotabnr type c length 15.
data: begin of it_konv occurs 0,
KINAK type konv-kinak,
KSCHL type konv-kschl,
KOLNR type konv-kolnr,
end of it_konv ,
begin of it_t685 occurs 0,
kozgf type t685-kozgf,
end of it_t685 ,
begin of it_t682i occurs 0,
kotabnr type t682i-kotabnr,
kolnr type t682i-kolnr,
kozgf type t682i-kozgf ,
end of it_t682i ,
begin of it_price occurs 0,
ZPRICE_TYPE type zsd_price_type-ZPRICE_TYPE,
end of it_price .
* In all select Queries, fields sequence in WHERE clause should match with that in
* database table. This will improve the performance
refresh it_konv.
select KINAK
from konv
into table it_konv
where kinak = ' '
and knumv eq iv_knumv
and kposn eq iv_kposn .
check not it_konv[] is initial.
refresh it_t685.
select kozgf
into table it_t685
from T685
for all entries in it_konv
where kappl = 'V'
and kschl = it_konv-kschl.
if sy-subrc eq 0.
refresh it_t682i.
Loop at it_konv.
Loop at it_t685 where kschl = it_konv-kschl.
move : it_konv-kolnr to it_t682i-kolnr,
it_t685-kozgf to it_t682i-kozgf.
append it_t682i.
select kotabnr
into table it_t682i
from T682I
for all entries in it_t682i
where kappl = 'V'
and kolnr eq it_t682i-kolnr
and kozgf eq it_t682i-kozgf.
if sy-subrc eq 0.
into table it_price
from zsd_price_type
for all entries in it_t682i
where kotabnr = it_t682i-kotabnr .
***************** Set IS_LIST based on your condition *****************
Loop at it_price where ZPRICE_TYPE is initial .
2009 Feb 26 5:25 PM
In ABAP OO you can't define internal tables with header line so:
data: begin of it_konv occurs 0,
KINAK type konv-kinak,
KSCHL type konv-kschl,
KOLNR type konv-kolnr,
end of it_konv ,
begin of it_t685 occurs 0,
kozgf type t685-kozgf,
end of it_t685 ,
begin of it_t682i occurs 0,
kotabnr type t682i-kotabnr,
kolnr type t682i-kolnr,
kozgf type t682i-kozgf ,
end of it_t682i ,
begin of it_price occurs 0,
ZPRICE_TYPE type zsd_price_type-ZPRICE_TYPE,
end of it_price
These definitions are wrong because they are defining internal tables with a header line.
You should define them like:
Types: BEGIN OF t_konv,
KINAK type konv-kinak,
KSCHL type konv-kschl,
KOLNR type konv-kolnr,
END OF t_konv.
DATA: it_konv type table of t_konv, "Internal table
wa_konv type t_konv. "Work Area
LOOP AT it_konv INTO wa_konv.
wa_konv-kinak = ....
Hope it helps.
Gilberto Li
2009 Feb 26 5:18 PM
You cannot declare internal tables with header lines...remove the occurs 0...and create a work area for the internal tables to access the internal table values.
types: begin of type_t685,
kozgf type t685-kozgf,
end of type_t685 .
data: it_t685 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF type_t685, " Internal table
wa_t685 TYPE type_t685. " Work area.
2009 Feb 26 5:25 PM
In ABAP OO you can't define internal tables with header line so:
data: begin of it_konv occurs 0,
KINAK type konv-kinak,
KSCHL type konv-kschl,
KOLNR type konv-kolnr,
end of it_konv ,
begin of it_t685 occurs 0,
kozgf type t685-kozgf,
end of it_t685 ,
begin of it_t682i occurs 0,
kotabnr type t682i-kotabnr,
kolnr type t682i-kolnr,
kozgf type t682i-kozgf ,
end of it_t682i ,
begin of it_price occurs 0,
ZPRICE_TYPE type zsd_price_type-ZPRICE_TYPE,
end of it_price
These definitions are wrong because they are defining internal tables with a header line.
You should define them like:
Types: BEGIN OF t_konv,
KINAK type konv-kinak,
KSCHL type konv-kschl,
KOLNR type konv-kolnr,
END OF t_konv.
DATA: it_konv type table of t_konv, "Internal table
wa_konv type t_konv. "Work Area
LOOP AT it_konv INTO wa_konv.
wa_konv-kinak = ....
Hope it helps.
Gilberto Li
2009 Feb 26 5:33 PM
Thats right , I changed it to types now but still it gives me an error.
Field "IT_KONV" is unknown. It is neither in one of the specified
tables nor defined by a "DATA" statement . . . . . . . . . ..
I am using this in my methods.
2009 Feb 26 5:36 PM
After the types you need this:
DATA: it_konv type table of t_konv, "Internal table
wa_konv type t_konv. "Work Area
Gilberto Li
2009 Feb 26 5:45 PM
Yes that helped a lot but I still get another error msg if can help with.\
if sy-subrc eq 0.
refresh t_t682i.
Loop at t_konv.
Loop at it_t685 where kschl = it_konv-kschl.
move : it_konv-kolnr to it_t682i-kolnr,
it_t685-kozgf to it_t682i-kozgf.
append it_t682i.
At "LOOP AT itab" one of the additions "INTO", "ASSIGNING" or
"TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS" is required in the OO context . .
2009 Feb 26 5:59 PM
Please check if T_konv is declared as an internal table or not...
if its declared as an internal table then what is the correspoding work area of that....
data :
wa like line of t_konv.
this line will create a line type of t_konv table...
then use
loop at t_konv into wa.
" processing steps
2009 Feb 26 6:02 PM
Check my entire example:
Types: BEGIN OF t_konv,
KINAK type konv-kinak,
KSCHL type konv-kschl,
KOLNR type konv-kolnr,
END OF t_konv.
DATA: it_konv type table of t_konv, "Internal table
wa_konv type t_konv. "Work Area
LOOP AT it_konv INTO wa_konv.
LOOP AT it_t685 where kschl = wa_konv-kschl.
move : wa_konv-kolnr to wa_t682i-kolnr,
wa_t685-kozgf to wa_t682i-kozgf.
append wa_t685 to it_t682i.
Gilberto Li
Edited by: Gilberto Li on Feb 26, 2009 7:03 PM
Edited by: Gilberto Li on Feb 26, 2009 7:05 PM
2009 Feb 26 6:06 PM
Yes I have done that but the errro is at teh second loop and move statement .
At "LOOP AT itab" one of the additions "INTO", "ASSIGNING" or
"TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS" is required in the OO context . .
at this loop at t_t685....
loop at t_price at the end ...
Loop at t_konv into wa_konv.
Loop at t_t685 where kschl = t_konv-kschl.
move : it_konv-kolnr to wa_t682i-kolnr,
it_t685-kozgf to wa_t682i-kozgf.
append it_t682i.
***************** Set IS_LIST based on your condition *****************
Loop at it_price where ZPRICE_TYPE is initial .
2009 Feb 26 6:09 PM
data : wa_t685 like line of t_t685,
wa_price like line of it_price. " additions
Loop at t_konv into wa_konv.
Loop at t_t685 into wa_t685 where kschl = t_konv-kschl. " addition of into statement
move : it_konv-kolnr to wa_t682i-kolnr,
it_t685-kozgf to wa_t682i-kozgf.
append wa_t682 to it_t682i. " change here also
***************** Set IS_LIST based on your condition *****************
Loop at it_price into wa_price where ZPRICE_TYPE is initial . " addition of into statement
2009 Feb 26 6:18 PM
Thanks for all the help but I am getting errors still , dont know why but ist error still.
data: lv_kotabnr type c length 15.
types: begin of it_konv ,
kinak type konv-kinak,
kschl type konv-kschl,
kolnr type konv-kolnr,
end of it_konv,
begin of it_t685 ,
kozgf type t685-kozgf,
end of it_t685,
begin of it_t682i,
kotabnr type t682i-kotabnr,
kolnr type t682i-kolnr,
kozgf type t682i-kozgf ,
end of it_t682i ,
begin of it_price ,
ZPRICE_TYPE type zsd_price_type-ZPRICE_TYPE,
end of it_price .
DATA: t_konv type table of it_konv, "Internal table
wa_konv type it_konv, "Work Area
t_t685 type table of it_t685,
wa_t685 type it_t685,
t_t682i type table of it_t682i,
wa_t682i type it_t682i,
t_price type table of it_price,
wa_price type it_price,
refresh t_konv.
select KINAK
from konv
into table t_konv
where kinak = ' '
and knumv eq iv_knumv
and kposn eq iv_kposn .
check not t_konv[] is initial.
refresh t_t685.
select kozgf
into table t_t685
from T685
for all entries in t_konv
where kappl = 'V'
and kschl = t_konv-kschl.
if sy-subrc eq 0.
refresh t_t682i.
Loop at t_konv into wa_konv.
Loop at t_t685 into wa_t685 where kschl = wa_konv-kschl.
move : it_konv-kolnr to wa_t682i-kolnr,
it_t685-kozgf to wa_t682i-kozgf.
append wa_t682 to it_t682i.
select kotabnr
into table t_t682i
from T682I
for all entries in t_t682i
where kappl = 'V'
and kolnr eq t_t682i-kolnr
and kozgf eq t_t682i-kozgf.
if sy-subrc eq 0.
into table t_price
from zsd_price_type
for all entries in t_t682i
where kotabnr = t_t682i-kotabnr .
Loop at t_price where ZPRICE_TYPE is initial .
2009 Feb 26 6:32 PM
i have made the following changes please check.
data: lv_kotabnr type c length 15.
types: begin of it_konv ,
kinak type konv-kinak,
kschl type konv-kschl,
kolnr type konv-kolnr,
end of it_konv,
begin of it_t685 ,
kozgf type t685-kozgf,
end of it_t685,
begin of it_t682i,
kotabnr type t682i-kotabnr,
kolnr type t682i-kolnr,
kozgf type t682i-kozgf ,
end of it_t682i ,
begin of it_price ,
ZPRICE_TYPE type zsd_price_type-ZPRICE_TYPE,
end of it_price .
DATA: t_konv type table of it_konv, "Internal table
wa_konv type it_konv, "Work Area
t_t685 type table of it_t685,
wa_t685 type it_t685,
t_t682i type table of it_t682i,
wa_t682i type it_t682i,
t_price type table of it_price,
wa_price type it_price. " replace ',' with '.'
refresh t_konv.
select KINAK
from konv
into table t_konv
where kinak = ' '
and knumv eq iv_knumv
and kposn eq iv_kposn .
check not t_konv is initial.
refresh t_t685.
select kozgf
into table t_t685
from T685
for all entries in t_konv
where kappl = 'V'
and kschl = t_konv-kschl.
if sy-subrc eq 0.
refresh t_t682i.
Loop at t_konv into wa_konv.
Loop at t_t685 into wa_t685. " where kschl = wa_konv-kschl. " there is no component declared as KSCHL in t_t685
" here is the declaration which you have made...
"begin of it_t685 ,
" kozgf type t685-kozgf,
" end of it_t685,
" only one component so in this case if you try to use loop at t_t685 into wa_t685 where kschl = ...
" it does not recognize....
move : wa_konv-kolnr to wa_t682i-kolnr, " changed from it_konv to wa_konv
wa_t685-kozgf to wa_t682i-kozgf. " changed from it_t685 to wa_t685 as it_ are types as you have decleared they are not data variables
append wa_t682i to t_t682i. " changed from it_t682i to t_t682i and wa_t682 to wa_t682i
select kotabnr
into table t_t682i
from T682I
for all entries in t_t682i
where kappl = 'V'
and kolnr eq t_t682i-kolnr
and kozgf eq t_t682i-kozgf.
if sy-subrc eq 0.
into table t_price
from zsd_price_type
for all entries in t_t682i
where kotabnr = t_t682i-kotabnr .
Loop at t_price into wa_price where ZPRICE_TYPE is initial . " included into wa_price
2009 Feb 27 5:41 AM
Dear Arav ,
You have defined structure of table in wrong way pls use this format to define work area and then internal table for that work area .
such as
DATA: lv_kotabnr TYPE c LENGTH 15.
TYPES: BEGIN OF wa_konv , " This is work area for internal table it_konv .
kinak TYPE konv-kinak,
kschl TYPE konv-kschl,
kolnr TYPE konv-kolnr,
END OF it_konv.
TYPES : BEGIN OF wa_t685 , " This is work area for internal table it_t685 .
kozgf TYPE t685-kozgf,
kschl TYPE konv-kschl,
END OF it_t685.
TYPES : BEGIN OF wa_t682i, " This is work area for internal table it_t682i .
kotabnr TYPE t682i-kotabnr,
kolnr TYPE t682i-kolnr,
kozgf TYPE t682i-kozgf ,
END OF it_t682i .
*TYPES: BEGIN OF wa_price , " This is work area for internal table it_price .
zprice_type TYPE zsd_price_type-zprice_type,
END OF it_price .
data : it_konv type standard table of wa_konv with header line , " This is internal table for all workarea .
it_t685 type standard table of wa_t685 with header line ,
it_t682i type standard table of wa_t682i with header line ,
it_price type standard table of wa_price with header line .
now you can use this as internal table for further calculation .