2007 Dec 21 12:07 PM
Hi all,
I need to send cost center in background. so am using tcode ;- BD16 corresponding program in the RFC. As this program contains information messages the process is not getting stopped. is there any option to skip these messages while using submit program option. kindly help me..
2007 Dec 21 12:15 PM
2007 Dec 21 12:57 PM
Exceute the program in Background that will omit the informattion messages.
use following FM's to submit program in Background:
job _open
reward point if helpfull.
2007 Dec 21 1:38 PM
Hi all,
with submit is there any option where we can skip the information messages available in the standard program.
points will be rewarded
2007 Dec 22 5:08 AM
data: p_repid like sy-repid.
data: p_linsz like sy-linsz default 132, " Line size
p_paart like sy-paart default 'X_65_132', " Paper Format
p_slset like sy-slset, "Variant name
data: mstr_print_parms like pri_params.
p_repid = sy-rep_id.
call function 'GET_PRINT_PARAMETERS'
authority = space
copies = '1'
cover_page = space
data_set = space
department = space
destination = space
expiration = '1'
immediately = space
layout = space
mode = space
new_list_id = 'X'
no_dialog = 'X'
user = sy-uname
out_parameters = mstr_print_parms
valid = mc_valid
archive_info_not_found = 1
invalid_print_params = 2
invalid_archive_params = 3
others = 4.
if mstr_print_parms-pdest = space.
mstr_print_parms-pdest = 'LOCL'.
mstr_print_parms-linsz = p_linsz.
mstr_print_parms-paart = p_paart.
submit (p_repid) to sap-spool without spool dynpro
spool parameters mstr_print_parms
using selection-set p_slset
and return.
2007 Dec 22 5:10 AM
I have used something like this...check whether it helps u.
data: p_repid like sy-repid.
data: p_linsz like sy-linsz default 132, " Line size
p_paart like sy-paart default 'X_65_132', " Paper Format
p_slset like sy-slset. "Variant name
data: mstr_print_parms like pri_params.
p_repid = sy-rep_id.
call function 'GET_PRINT_PARAMETERS'
authority = space
copies = '1'
cover_page = space
data_set = space
department = space
destination = space
expiration = '1'
immediately = space
layout = space
mode = space
new_list_id = 'X'
no_dialog = 'X'
user = sy-uname
out_parameters = mstr_print_parms
valid = mc_valid
archive_info_not_found = 1
invalid_print_params = 2
invalid_archive_params = 3
others = 4.
if mstr_print_parms-pdest = space.
mstr_print_parms-pdest = 'LOCL'.
mstr_print_parms-linsz = p_linsz.
mstr_print_parms-paart = p_paart.
submit (p_repid) to sap-spool without spool dynpro
spool parameters mstr_print_parms
using selection-set p_slset.