2006 Oct 20 4:55 PM
Can anyone help me by describe in details what I need to do to stop the trigger of automated output control ( automated FAX) when an PO item is deleted? We just don't want an Fax send out to vendor when someone delete a PO line.
I am thinking of create new requiment routine(new include with 2 FORMs KOBEV_ , KOBED) but I like to hear your suggestion relating to any configuration that could help solve the problem. It would be nice if there is a change that says: if EKPO-LOEKZ is change to 'X'(delete indicator), don't generate output and Fax.
I will reward points to you appropriately.
2006 Oct 20 5:15 PM
If there is an entry in the table T166C for the table EKPO and field LOEKZ..Remove the entry..
This might work..
Message was edited by: Narendran Muthukumaran
2006 Oct 20 5:30 PM
What is the function of the table T166C? Please go more detail about this.
2006 Oct 20 5:36 PM
I already remove that entry but it doesn't help using configuration.
2006 Oct 20 5:40 PM
The table T166C is used "Print-Relevant Purchasing Document Changes"..
If there is an entry in this table ...And if there is change in the field..while saving it will trigger change memo output type..