2 weeks ago - last edited 2 weeks ago
Hello Expert!!!
Need to add zfields in the header portion as per business requirement. I want to make a copy of "BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE" to ''ZBAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE''. In the header portion 3 custom fields need to add.
Function group MB_BUS2017 copy as ZMB_BUS2017.For Function module am I give Z against all old function module. Please guided me step by step guideline to complete the task or any link.
Customs fields data kept in Ztable. Using BAPI ZBAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE user complete GRN from Apps.
Am I copy standard BAPI and create a ZBAPI or using standard BAPI added custom fields to BAPI2017_GM_HEAD_01 (which is added in header portion in mIGO).
Need guideline to complete the job.
Custom fields in MIGO:
Custom Tables where data saved:
Thanks in advance.
2 weeks ago - last edited 2 weeks ago
Why didn't you use the EXTENSIONIN parameter of the BAPI and process this data with an implementation of MB_BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE as described in the BAPI documentation?
NB: Copying/modifying standard code is usually (always) bad practice, apart from the risk of database discrepancies, it will cause problems with any patch or upgrade.
2 weeks ago
I am using a custom table where custom fields data saved. Is this possible for that case.
2 weeks ago
Yes, you should be able to handle this table in the BAdI, don't pass data back to the main program structures, but store it to process it later, at commit work, when the document number is calculated. You should have already done this in MIGO.
2 weeks ago
Using BAPI user process it through third party apps. Could you please guided me step by step process to complete the task. From MIGO its working fine.I need to provide them BAPI to do GRN .
2 weeks ago
Create the BAdI implementation and ask them to use the standard BAPI, giving them the structure name and data to pass to the EXTENSIONIN parameter.
Of course, you could create a Z-BAPI, but not as a copy of the standard. but as a wrapper of the standard BAPI to simplify their process (your Z-BAPI will map additional data to extensionin).
Tuesday - last edited Tuesday
@raymond_giuseppithanks for the way you showing to solve. I did it , just one things is pending now i keep that data into a temporary table now i need material documents number and year to save the ztable. Could you please guided me to fetch the data.In migo i did it at POST_DOCUMENT stage creating a z enhancement spot. For BADI where I can do it.
The item document numbers are returned at the end of the BAPI (after the MB_POST_GOODS_MOVEMENT form has been run).
and so must have been calculated beforehand.
2 weeks ago
Never ever copy standard code, as explained in the SAP note 213751 - Programs: Copying versus modification - SAP for Me.
2 weeks ago