2008 Jul 17 9:32 AM
I created new Z table (database table) and it contains the wage type code (lgart). When entering new data in the table (with SM30) the user wants to see the description (lgtxt) from table T512T immidiately when the code is entered. So the text of the wage type has to be shown on the screen of the table maintenance.
2008 Jul 17 10:37 AM
Hi vprake,
1. For this, one Z table will not suffice.
2. Create another Z VIEW with the above table
and also put T512T table with proper joins.
3. Include the field for text LGTXT in this view.
4. Then create a table maintenance for this view,
then it will work.
5. After creating the table maintenance, u can
disable the field for text field LGTXT by
modifying the screen attribute of that field,
in that function group.
amit m.
2008 Jul 17 9:35 AM
If you created a field with same name as database field and dataelemnet of that field it will automatically shows the description of data element in TMG.
Now tell me what is the problem in ur case..,
2008 Jul 17 10:06 AM
I want the same as on SM30 for V_T555J, when you enter there the time type, the column "time type text" is filled. I need this for the wage type
2008 Jul 17 9:37 AM
2008 Jul 17 10:07 AM
You need to show the text of the wage type on the screen of the table maintenance.
Go to the Table Maintenance Generator screen of that Z(database table) table. Utilities --> TMG.
Then go to the events of that table where you can code your requirement. Environment --> Modification --> Events.
There you can write your own form routine.
Best Regards,
"Giving points for helpful answer is always appreciating"
2008 Jul 17 10:37 AM
Hi vprake,
1. For this, one Z table will not suffice.
2. Create another Z VIEW with the above table
and also put T512T table with proper joins.
3. Include the field for text LGTXT in this view.
4. Then create a table maintenance for this view,
then it will work.
5. After creating the table maintenance, u can
disable the field for text field LGTXT by
modifying the screen attribute of that field,
in that function group.
amit m.
2008 Jul 17 11:37 AM
2008 Jul 17 10:44 AM
There are two ways for doing this approach :
1. Using the Events :
Go to the Table Maintenance Generator screen of that Z(database table) table. Utilities --> TMG.
Then go to the events of that table where you can code your requirement. Environment --> Modification --> Events.
There you create the rountine and code in '05'.
2.Using the Function Group :
Same like Module Pool programming but this is the bad approach for table Maintenance because whenever you change the structure of table and activate it, it results the loss of ur code.