2005 Dec 05 9:55 AM
I get the following dump at this statement in standard program .
--->read report l_prog_tab_local into l_abap_source.
The termination occurred in the ABAP program "SAPLSKBH" in "K_KKB_FIELDCAT_MERGE".
I can see the include program name in debugging and which is active also.
Can you please help me in this regard..
2005 Dec 05 10:01 AM
This statement reads the program prog from the database into theinternal table itab. The line length of table itab shouldbe at least 72 characters.
So, try to check out on this..
2005 Dec 05 9:59 AM
Use a longer line length in the definition of
l_abap_source. Perhaps you could even use a string. Look in the documentation. I could aesily find the documetnation.
2005 Dec 05 10:01 AM
This statement reads the program prog from the database into theinternal table itab. The line length of table itab shouldbe at least 72 characters.
So, try to check out on this..
2005 Dec 05 10:07 AM
you should apply the following OSS Note to fix the error.
2005 Dec 05 10:23 AM
Hi ,
As said by Durairaj you can apply the sap note 852733 for permanent solution.
For temp. solution...check the program which has caused the error i.e line length > 72 and make to 72 chars. You can do this setting...in User-specific Setting --> Editor --> check the options "default LIne Length (72)
2005 Dec 05 10:49 AM
852733 note doesn't exist in sap,
I tried with 72 char default setting in editor but doesn't work.
I can't use more than 72 char length since it is a standard program.
2005 Dec 05 11:34 AM
what do you mean by this?
852733 note doesn't exist in sap
2005 Dec 05 10:54 AM