2007 Mar 14 1:11 PM
I have to determine deliveries(LIKP-VBELN) for the posting date(BUDAT) that is being entered in selection screen. but BUDAT is not there in LIKP.
from this list of deliveries, determine the deliveries(LIKP-VBELN) for which a shipment has been created, but with no completed shipment cost document(VFKK-FKNUM). the field status of Account Assignment(VFKK-STFRE) and status of transfer(VFKK-STABR) on the shipment cost document(VFKK-FKNUM) needs to be used to determine the shipments to be reported. If both these fields are NOT in the status "c", then the documents MUST be included.
2007 Mar 14 2:05 PM
Have a look at this
Select FKNUM from VFKK into ITAB1 where BUDAT in S_BUDAT and STFRE<>'c' and STABR<>'C'.
select VBELN FKNUM from VFKN into ITAB2 for all entries in ITAB1 where
select * from LIKP into OUTTAB for all entries in ITAB2 where VBELN = ITAB2-VBELN.
I think this will fetch u required data.
Reward points if found helpful.
Ravi Kumar