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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

I want to create a search-help that returns not a single field value form the database, but a combination (concatenation) of three fields from the selected line of the database table/view.

The importing values of the search-help would be the three fields, the exporting value would be the concatenation of those three fields.

Is that possible?

Thank you,



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Bogdan,

I have not tried the solution completely but I think that it should not be a problem.

Create a search help exit on the lines of the example provided in Fn. module 'F4IF_SHLP_EXIT_EXAMPLE' and specify it in the search help. This exit should return a variable(in your case the concatenated field) which would be used as the parameter exported from the search help.

In the Fn. module(search help exit) be sure to specify changing fields: 'SHLP' and 'CALLCONTROL' and tables: 'SHLP_TAB' and 'RECORD_TAB' in the fn. mod. interface.

Hope this helps.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos


I am not sure whether you are talking about F4 help.I hope you will select values from database based on it under at selection-screen while appending.

Here is the sample code.

tables kna1.


begin of t_values occurs 2,

value like kna1-begru,

end of t_values,

t_return like ddshretval occurs 0 with header line.

select-options s_begru for kna1-begru.

at selection-screen on value-request for s_begru-low.

*Instead of the below code place your select statement

t_values = 'PAR*'.

append t_values.

t_values = 'UGG'.

append t_values.




retfield = 'BEGRU'

value_org = 'S'


value_tab = t_values

return_tab = t_return


parameter_error = 1

no_values_found = 2

others = 3.

if sy-subrc = 0.

read table t_return index 1.


0 Kudos

No Jayanthi.

I need to attach a search-help to a data element in a database structure that, instead of returning the value of a single field in the selected line of the hit-list, would return a combination of three fields from that line.

But I think I've got the solution, I will create a search-help exit for the search-help that I will attach to the structure field.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Bogdan,

I have not tried the solution completely but I think that it should not be a problem.

Create a search help exit on the lines of the example provided in Fn. module 'F4IF_SHLP_EXIT_EXAMPLE' and specify it in the search help. This exit should return a variable(in your case the concatenated field) which would be used as the parameter exported from the search help.

In the Fn. module(search help exit) be sure to specify changing fields: 'SHLP' and 'CALLCONTROL' and tables: 'SHLP_TAB' and 'RECORD_TAB' in the fn. mod. interface.

Hope this helps.


0 Kudos

Yes, Sanjay.

That's precisely what I was trying to do.

I will let you know of the result.

Thank you,


0 Kudos

Hi Bogdan,

have a look at search help SFLIGHT and its exit SAPBC_GLOBAL_F4_SFLIGHT. In this example a very similar problem is solved. In this example it is the problem, how to get a search help parameter that is the difference of two database fields. In your case you need a search help parameter that is the concatenation of three database fields. It should be easy to adapt the example to your case.

Greetings Stephan

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all.

I wanted to come back just to say she problem is solved using the search-help exit approach.

Another question: the importing parameters from search-help's definition do not receive the value from the application context. What could cause this problem?

Thank you,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

On the topic of search help exits, I need to restrict the values returned in the 'DISP' time of a collective search help for MAT1. The restriction needs to be authorisations - based on plant. The auth check is to check on WERKS values for materials returned in the search help, so that users may not see materials from a plant that they are not authorised to see. I have been attempting to execute the authorisation check in the DISP time, extracting the material number from t he string returned for the record_tab records. Unfortunately, being a collective serach help - the member search helps return the strings in different orders, so identifying the material number from the string is not easy.

Can anyone suggest a different way of executing this?