2008 Jul 10 7:46 PM
Greetings ABAPers
I'm creating a custom application and in the screen I want to display a static message text in LARGE letters like 20+ pt. I know how to put standard sized text boxes into a screen but I do not know how to show text in LARGE font.
2008 Jul 10 7:52 PM
2008 Jul 10 7:55 PM
I was actually referring to putting in a text message in Screen Painter and control that particular set of text's font as opposed to general SAP gui controls. Essentially in my custom application I want a text banner at the top in big print controlled by ABAP/Screen Painter.
2008 Jul 10 8:00 PM
I think you can use the HTML control...Check the demo progarm SAPHTML_DEMO1.
2008 Jul 17 3:11 PM
I solved this using dynamic documents on my screen, check program DD_SPLIT_DOCUMENT