2007 May 17 11:38 PM
Hi all,
The requirement is like this.
On customer master we have a tab "Control Data". On this control data tab, there is a subscreen for "Tax information". On this subscreen there is a field called "Tax type" (KNA1-KITYP).
The requirement is, when user enter any tax type in this field, the description of the tax type should show adjacent to this field. SAP does not display description. I searched for any screen-exit or BADI for this but could not find any. I think it is only possible by core mod. But i want to make sure before giving final answer to client.
I know we can add custom tab/screen on customer master BUT that is not my requirement. My requirement is to add one more field to stnadard screen/subscreen.
Please let me know if anybody has any idea about it. I am working on ECC 5.0
Thanks in advance.
2007 May 17 11:42 PM
I think there is no screen exit and only on Function exit available
Reward Points if it is helpful
2007 May 17 11:56 PM
Sorry for Previous reply,
Please try below BADI's
Program name Enhancement Enhancement name
Enhancement Text.
Additional Data at Customers (Subscreen
Reward Points if it is helpful