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SAPScript Form XX language XX is inconsistant in text file

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi friends,

In Sapscript form 'ZVINVOICE01_XP', I made few changes in client 220 and tried to copy the that into client 200.

As the object already exists in client 200, it was ask wheater to overwrite or not.

If Clicked Yes, But It said

"Request/task DEVK912053 has invalid source client 220".

Then I showed a message in the output screen as

"ZVINVOICE01_XP : Problem calling the transport system and Workbench Organizer"

After this I went back and tried to display the from in client 200.

But its giving error message saying,

"Form ZVINVOICE01_XP language EN is inconsistant in text file"

I couldn't go inside the form and see the Object now.

As the changes made in 200 and 220 are different, I want to retain the old contant in 200 now.

Could you please help me to retain the object?


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What is your actual client to do all developments and to generate requests for the objects? is it 220 only or some other client?

because the system says that 220 client is not the valid one

May be that request was generated in other client, so the error. check that.

check the transport log related to that request whether it was imported properly into 200 or not by overwriting the previous one?

if it is imported properly then the older version of your script will not be available any more.

220 and 200 clients are of different systems/(landscapes) or within the same system?

If it is within the same system you can use the Tcode SCC1 to transport the script from one client to other.

If both clients are of different systems then have to use the Transport request.

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Former Member
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thankyou for you help