2020 Oct 22 9:54 PM
After overcoming a few hurdles, I was able to install the trial system sucessfully (although due some ambigous parts in the documentation).
Finally I tried to follow the guide (btw on https://blogs.sap.com/2019/10/01/as-abap-7.52-sp04-developer-edition-concise-installation-guide/ there are some dead links) on https://assets.cdn.sap.com/sapcom/docs/2019/09/32638f18-687d-0010-87a3-c30de2ffd8ff.pdf - on page 26 for turning off auditing:
sp_configure, 'auditing', 0
results in an error:
Msg 10331, Level 14, State 2: Server NPL, Procedure sp_configure, Line 1310: Permission denied, database master,
owner dbo. You need the following permission(s) to run this command: MANAGE SECURITY CONFIGURATION (return status = 1). ASE Version is 16.0 SP03 PL06
As in the guide recommended, I switched to sybnpl and executed isql - Usapsa -X SNPL.
How can I fix this or are there other ways to improve performance?
Thanks a lot,
KR. Martin
2020 Nov 17 7:37 PM
I juste encountered the exact same problem. And found a part of the solution on another blog.
This command (to deactivate ASE audit) has to be launched with sapsso, not with sapsa. But when you launch it with sapsso, you may get an error message related to the memory. So to extend memory there is another command to execute with sapsa (this time).
1) with sapsa, extend memory:isql -Usapsa -X -SNPL
sp_configure 'max memory',740621
2) and then with sapsso deactivate ASE Audit:
isql -Usapsso -X -SNPL
sp_configure 'auditing', 0
I hope it helps.
2020 Nov 18 6:14 PM