2012 May 09 8:11 AM
I am writing a report.
the report will print a log using SALV( cl_salv_table).
i am wondering if it posible to have diffrent color of the coulmn cell base on the value of the cell?
Thanks in Advance,
2012 May 10 2:04 PM
Yes, you can set colour for a cell in SALV. You can search for a particular condition and set the color accordingly.
DATA: lo_cols TYPE REF TO cl_salv_columns_table,
lo_col_single TYPE REF TO cl_salv_column_table,
ls_color TYPE lvc_s_colo.
lo_cols = c_alv->get_columns().
lo_col_single ? = lo_cols->get_column('Your Column Name').
ls_color-col = col_total.
lo_col_tab->set_Color( ls_color ).
2012 May 10 2:09 PM
Moderator message - there is a great deal of information about colouring ALV cells in SCN. Please look for material before asking here.