2008 Jun 18 9:35 PM
I used this FM successfully in another program so when I needed it again I just copied what I had and used it:
c_it0168 = gv_pa0168
af_values = gv_p0168_af
af_fields = gt_rhtext_field.
However, even if I pass the exactly same PA0168 record in the new program the structure gv_p0168_af is "empty" (all initial values) whereas the other program, with the same 168 record, returns actual results.
I'm at a loss. Any ideas as to what might be going on?
2008 Jun 18 10:26 PM
If you check the main program for this FM, I think you'll find that it checks the name of the program or transaction code or both and behaves differently in different cases.
2008 Jun 18 9:56 PM
Hello Steve,
2 recommendations:
- check the structures for EXPORTING, IMPORTING and TABLES. They have to be 100% consistent with the FM parameters.
- debug the FM, specifically where the information you are expecting is taken from.
In my opinion, this "non-delivery" (as the message says) can only be caused by a parameter-inconsistency. Even one missing byte in a data element can cause such an unexpected trouble.
I wish you the best in your investigation. Hope this helps,
2008 Jun 18 10:07 PM
Check the declearation for gv_pa0168, gv_pa0168_af and also table.
2008 Jun 18 10:32 PM
I forgot to append table rhtext_field with the field name I wanted returned. Thanks for the help.
2008 Jun 18 10:26 PM
If you check the main program for this FM, I think you'll find that it checks the name of the program or transaction code or both and behaves differently in different cases.