2006 Oct 24 1:40 PM
I have used the BAPI "BAPI_MATERIAL_MAINTAINDATA_RT" in order to manage material master data. But this BAPI creates a protocol that I we can see in SLG1 transaction. But my works needs these messages in my report and thus, I would like to retrieve them. Do you know a way in order to retrieve this "error" messages?
Thank you very much of your understanding
best regards
2006 Oct 24 1:44 PM
Try using the Function module:
2006 Oct 24 1:59 PM
Thank a lot but i have a problem. I have already tried your solution and your function module but it isn't good. Indeed the return code after the FM is 1 that means that the protocol ins't found. Why? I don't understand . Have you got an example of the use of your function module?
Best regards
2006 Oct 24 2:32 PM
check where-used on BALHDR table, I think you'll find some examples. OR check program MASSSLOG for example.