2007 Mar 27 1:12 PM
I am trying to record inspection results for a inspection lot in a background task using the FM QIBP_INSPCHAR_SETRESULT. I am encountering the error "Inspection Characteristic with confirmation number 00056764 is already blocked". The documentation says results recorded are not accepted because the inspection characteristic is already blocked in another transaction". I guess this error is because some table is getting locked and hence the error message. Did anyone else encounter such error message and how to overcome this?
2007 Mar 27 1:25 PM
I think that is not the reason..
Check if some one has opened the transaction in CHANGE mode.
Then only that sort of message comes...
Close the session and Ensure that no one opened the same in CHANGE mode. Then run it.
Reward if helpful...
2007 Mar 28 9:28 AM
No there is no question of anyone else opening in change mode since the inspection lot is getting created by me and then i'm trying to record results for the same.