2012 Jan 04 8:05 PM
I have enhanced CI_EKKODB in EKKO to add 12 new fields. I've created a custom subscreen in SE80 with those fields.
I've implemented ME_GUI_PO_CUST (ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST was already implemented previously) and put the appropriate code in SUBSCRIBE and MAP_DYNPRO_FIELDS methods. I also put code, which I thought was appropriate in the other methods in the Interface.
I have copied function group MEPOBADIEX into ZMEPOBADIEX and changed the Function Modules to use the Z versions.
When I run ME21N / ME22N / ME23N, I do see my new tab and the fields. I can enter data and switch back and forth through the tabs and my data stays. However, when I try to SAVE, I get the No Data Changed popup.
I have put breakpoints in each of the methods. The breakpoints are only stopping in SUBSCRIBE, MAP_DYNPRO_FIELDS and EXECUTE.
And, by not getting called, it seem my data isn't being transferred back properly.
What's going on? I see this issue over and over online, but no solutions.
2012 Jan 05 2:22 AM
Hi Robert,
I think it is better you can debug the code and see where it went wrong.Check the fm and mapping the fields.There is a wiki available with a [Me22n Custom fields|http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/ABAP/DetailedexplanationaboutBADIandthewaystofindtheBADIwithanexample%28ME23n+transaction%29] from Kiran,Still if there is any issue please paste your code then it will be easy .
2012 Jan 05 2:22 AM
Hi Robert,
I think it is better you can debug the code and see where it went wrong.Check the fm and mapping the fields.There is a wiki available with a [Me22n Custom fields|http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/ABAP/DetailedexplanationaboutBADIandthewaystofindtheBADIwithanexample%28ME23n+transaction%29] from Kiran,Still if there is any issue please paste your code then it will be easy .
2012 Jan 06 2:32 PM
thanks. I've solved my problem - When I copied the function group MEPOBADIEX into my ZMEPOBADIEX, I wasn't using the screen that was included in the function group. Thereby, the PBO/PAI code wasn't being called.
I deleted the fields in the screen painter and replaced them with my own and now all the methods in the BADI are being called.