2006 Oct 12 11:34 AM
I have some tabstrips. On each tabstrip, I have a
container for an ALV and on the bottom I have another
subscreen for some input fields.
Under the subscreen I have some buttons to insert, delete
The fields in my subscreen I have bound to DDIC table
fields and I have defined that in my program under TABLES
in my declaration.
So when I write something in the fields, their content
has been written to my table-structure defined in TABLES.
If you double click on a line in the alv, the content of
the line has been written to my dynpro fields in the
My problem now is:
When You have double clicked a line and the content was
filled in my dynpro fields and I change the values after-
wards, I do not have the changed field content in my
TABLES structure. It´s because, the framework isn´t
processing my PBO of the subscreen.
How can I call the pbo manually to get the new field
content, when I´m pressing the button on the parent
I hope it´s possible to understand my problem!
Cheers Arne
2006 Oct 12 11:37 AM
Use the FM <b>DYNP_VALUES_READ</b>.
DATA: repid LIKE sy-repid.
dynpfields-fieldname = p_field.
APPEND dynpfields.
repid = sy-repid.
dyname = repid
dynumb = sy-dynnr
dynpfields = dynpfields
READ TABLE dynpfields INDEX 1.
lws_object_name = dynpfields-fieldvalue.
2006 Oct 12 11:54 AM
use FM dynpro_values_update
or use field-symbols <fs>
assign 'itab-fld1' to <fs>.
2006 Oct 12 12:34 PM
Hi again,
I have tried both functions Dynpro_field_get and read_values, but I´m not getting any content. With dynpro_field_get, I´m getting the fieldnames, but not the values!
I have seen, when I´m pressing enter, after I have typed in the new field values, my TABLES structure has been updated. But I think, it´s not very user friendly, if You have to pay attention to press enter before pressing the "add" button...
Any other idea? Or do You know why I´m not getting any content?
Cheers Arne
Message was edited by: Arne Hein