2017 Aug 03 7:48 PM
I have implement BADI ME_GUI_PO_CUST, to add the new tab.
I need to store the value, and some of thread said it required methods:
I have click on the subcreen, or enter at the field, but it will not able to trigger the Above Methods.
How do I do for the to trigger above Methods? Or Should I added some additional code at screen program? I want SAVE the data actually into EKPO.
Thanks in advance.
2017 Aug 04 6:40 AM
You should first look at the sample provided by SAP for ME_GUI_PO_CUST
2017 Aug 04 7:50 AM
Yes I have seen th example I can see one function group is implemetd and any function module are called to set and get data ? is this only way ? or I can do direclty on badi itslf ?
Do need to implement my custom Function group ?
2017 Aug 04 7:57 AM
On which program type did you create your dynpro : module pool or function pool?
Exchange data between your dynpro handler (the program) with methods of a local defined class, FM of the group or (last) form of the program.
2017 Aug 08 2:38 PM
in this MEPOBADIEX function-pool they have used function module to get the data and set data from and to the screen.
is this only way to do it.
my question is i dont want do it same way like creating function ground and creating function modules to get the data is they any other approach to do it?. if yes how i can achive this?
2017 Aug 08 11:29 PM
I believe you are posting this question twice ...
Please go to the Blog-Link that was offered on your other thread on how to Use the BAdI's BAdI's "ME_GUI_PO_CUST" and "ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST" to enable the Screen-Processing as well as Updating the Custom-Fields ...