2007 Jan 09 6:41 AM
We have a contract(WK type) with two validity periods and prices. The first validity period ends with 31/12/2006 with 1 USD and we have new validity period whcih starts from 01/01/2007 to 31/12/999 with 1.5 USD. In display the contract shows 1.5 USD as the net price. But while printing it printed 1 USD which is the old price. On investigating this issue, we found that the EKPO->NETPR filed contains the old price (1 USD). But in the screen of ME 33K, it shows the new price and by pressing F1 to find the field it shows EKPO->NETPR only. Can anybody help on this, why the new price is not updated in to the EKPO table.
2007 Jul 09 6:33 PM
Hi Venkatachalam,
Have your problem been solved??Or has any body got any idea about it??
2007 Jul 09 7:13 PM
Hello Venkat and Aneesh,
when you create order and it gets price as per validity,according to that it will insert the records into tables.
when you change the order with new validatity,it will not update into purchasing table but it updates into pricing related tables
so always get the price from pricing table do not get from other tables
to get total price :
get the ekko-knumv ,do compare with konv with knumv ,get the knumh,do compare konp table with knumh
get the kbetr value
Look at other tables for better understanding :
A002 to A019
2007 Jul 09 7:26 PM