2007 May 21 5:27 AM
Hi friends,
LOOP AT it_batch.
x_tabix = sy-tabix.
SELECT SUM( clabs ) SUM( cumlm ) SUM( cinsm ) SUM( ceinm )
SUM( cspem ) SUM( cretm ) SUM( cvmla ) SUM( cvmum )
SUM( cvmin ) SUM( cvmei ) SUM( cvmsp ) SUM( cvmre )
FROM mchb
INTO (x_clabs, x_cumlm, x_cinsm, x_ceinm, x_cspem, x_cretm,
x_cvmla, x_cvmum, x_cvmin, x_cvmei, x_cvmsp, x_cvmre)
WHERE matnr = it_batch-matnr
AND werks = it_batch-werks
AND charg = it_batch-charg.
IF NOT ( x_clabs EQ 0 AND
x_cumlm EQ 0 AND
x_cinsm EQ 0 AND
x_ceinm EQ 0 AND
x_cspem EQ 0 AND
x_cretm EQ 0 AND
x_cvmla EQ 0 AND
x_cvmum EQ 0 AND
x_cvmin EQ 0 AND
x_cvmei EQ 0 AND
x_cvmsp EQ 0 AND
x_cvmre EQ 0 ).
DELETE it_batch INDEX x_tabix.
*Begin of Modifications BDVK945500 by TCS941764 on 30/08/2006
CLEAR x_objek.
x_objek(18) = it_batch-matnr.
x_objek+18(4) = it_batch-werks.
x_objek+22(10) = it_batch-charg.
CLEAR inob.
SELECT SINGLE cuobj FROM inob INTO inob-cuobj
WHERE obtab = 'MCHA'
AND objek = x_objek
AND klart = '022'.
CONCATENATE inob-cuobj 'O' INTO it_batch-objectid.
MODIFY it_batch.
*End of Modifications BDVK945500 by TCS941764 on 30/08/2006
How to change the above code for better performance without effecting the results(i mean using for all entries and at end of is it possible?) .Please help me.
Thanks for all.
2007 May 21 6:04 AM
Hi Bharat,
Try this piece of code.
SELECT SUM( clabs ) SUM( cumlm ) SUM( cinsm ) SUM( ceinm )
SUM( cspem ) SUM( cretm ) SUM( cvmla ) SUM( cvmum )
SUM( cvmin ) SUM( cvmei ) SUM( cvmsp ) SUM( cvmre )
FROM mchb
INTO (x_clabs, x_cumlm, x_cinsm, x_ceinm, x_cspem, x_cretm,
x_cvmla, x_cvmum, x_cvmin, x_cvmei, x_cvmsp, x_cvmre)
for all entries in it_batch
WHERE matnr = it_batch-matnr
AND werks = it_batch-werks
AND charg = it_batch-charg.
LOOP AT it_batch.
x_tabix = sy-tabix.
IF NOT ( x_clabs EQ 0 AND
x_cumlm EQ 0 AND
x_cinsm EQ 0 AND
x_ceinm EQ 0 AND
x_cspem EQ 0 AND
x_cretm EQ 0 AND
x_cvmla EQ 0 AND
x_cvmum EQ 0 AND
x_cvmin EQ 0 AND
x_cvmei EQ 0 AND
x_cvmsp EQ 0 AND
x_cvmre EQ 0 ).
move space to it_batch-matnr.
modify it_batch index x_tabix transporting matnr.
*Begin of Modifications BDVK945500 by TCS941764 on 30/08/2006
CLEAR x_objek.
x_objek(18) = it_batch-matnr.
x_objek+18(4) = it_batch-werks.
x_objek+22(10) = it_batch-charg.
CLEAR inob.
SELECT SINGLE cuobj FROM inob INTO inob-cuobj
WHERE obtab = 'MCHA'
AND objek = x_objek
AND klart = '022'.
CONCATENATE inob-cuobj 'O' INTO it_batch-objectid.
MODIFY it_batch index x_tabix transporting objectid.
*End of Modifications BDVK945500 by TCS941764 on 30/08/2006
DELETE it_batch where matnr = space.
Use the select statement outside the loop and the delete statement leads to the loss of index which leads to more processing time. So, I have removed delete outside the loop and also whenever u are using modify statements use it along with index. All these changes will definetely lead to a better performance.
2007 May 21 5:30 AM
instead of loop inside loop ...
better use read statement in loop statement....
loop at header.
read table item with key <condition>
2007 May 21 5:33 AM
since u used select statement in the loop...
it reduces the performance very much...
what u do is write a select statement above that loop using all entries and store all records into an internal table...
then use read statement in loop....
2007 May 21 5:33 AM
Hi Bharat,
Remove your select query from the Loop and select using for all entries.
It will improve the performance of the code.
Reward points if useful.
2007 May 21 5:39 AM
Hi Bharat ,
Using select inside the loop will bring down the performance . wht can u do is
create a internal table with the fields (x_clabs, x_cumlm, x_cinsm, x_ceinm, x_cspem, x_cretm, x_cvmla, x_cvmum, x_cvmin, x_cvmei, x_cvmsp, x_cvmre) -itabsum
write the select outside the loop
SELECT SUM( clabs ) SUM( cumlm ) SUM( cinsm ) SUM( ceinm )
SUM( cspem ) SUM( cretm ) SUM( cvmla ) SUM( cvmum )
SUM( cvmin ) SUM( cvmei ) SUM( cvmsp ) SUM( cvmre )
FROM mchb
INTO table itabsum
for all entires in it_batch.
WHERE matnr = it_batch-matnr
AND werks = it_batch-werks
AND charg = it_batch-charg.
LOOP AT it_batch.
x_tabix = sy-tabix.
read table itabsum with key matnr = it_batch-matnr werks = it_batch-werks charg = it_batch-charg into ls_sum .
if sy-subrc eq 0 .
do rest processing similarly u have done
endif .
endloop .
similarly u can do same for the SELECT SINGLE cuobj FROM inob INTO inob-cuobj
WHERE obtab = 'MCHA'
AND objek = x_objek
AND klart = '022'.
select all the entires before the loop and use the read statement inside the loop .
please reward points if helpfull.
Message was edited by:
Sridhar Srirama
2007 May 21 6:06 AM
Hi first of all thanks.
I am not able to write the select sum() query with for all entries syntax.Then how to write the query.Please help me.
2007 May 21 6:20 AM
HI Bharat ,
sorry for that . the sum wont work for all entires ,
U can just select the values for all entires in the internal table called itab1
SELECT clabscumlm cinsm ceinm
cspem cretm cvmum
cvmin cvmei cvmsp cvmre
FROM mchb
INTO table itab1
for all entires in it_batch
WHERE matnr = it_batch-matnr
AND werks = it_batch-werks
AND charg = it_batch-charg.
Do the sum calculation manually on the table itab1 .
loop at itab1 into wa1.
sum the values from the wa .
at new charg .
append the sum value into aonther internal table itabsum
clear sum values .
end at .
Message was edited by:
Sridhar Srirama
2007 May 21 6:23 AM
Can you please explain the following part.
loop at itab1 into wa1.
sum the values from the wa .
at new charg .
append the sum value into aonther internal table itabsum
clear sum values .
end at .
Thanks & Regards,
2007 May 21 6:31 AM
the internal table itab1 as all the entires without summing .
know u need to sum all the entires which has same value of matnr werks and charg .
loop at itab1 into wa1 .
sum the values from the wa . " add the values to the another structure similar to wa say like wa1 (the fields in the wa1 contains corresponding sum ) . the sum keep getting acummalted in this structure .
at new of charg " this control of code is entred inside this when there is a change in either matnr werks or charg .
append the structure wa1 to itsum .
clear wa1 . " the sum is reset when a new entry has to be created in itsum
endloop .
I hope this clears ur doubt . please let me know any more queries
2007 May 21 7:09 AM
2007 May 21 7:26 AM
i am little bit confusing with that sum logic.If u don't mine please send me the sample logic for that sum .
Thank u very much.
2007 May 21 7:35 AM
data : wa1 like line of itab1 ,
wa2 like wa1
clear wa2 .
LOOP at itab1 into wa1 .
wa2-clabs = wa2-clabs + wa1-clabs.
wa2- cumlm = wa2- cumlm + wa1- cumlm,
*do similarly for all the fields .
At new of charg .
append wa2 to itabsum
clear wa2 .
end at .
please do give the points if usefull .
2007 May 21 6:04 AM
Hi Bharat,
Try this piece of code.
SELECT SUM( clabs ) SUM( cumlm ) SUM( cinsm ) SUM( ceinm )
SUM( cspem ) SUM( cretm ) SUM( cvmla ) SUM( cvmum )
SUM( cvmin ) SUM( cvmei ) SUM( cvmsp ) SUM( cvmre )
FROM mchb
INTO (x_clabs, x_cumlm, x_cinsm, x_ceinm, x_cspem, x_cretm,
x_cvmla, x_cvmum, x_cvmin, x_cvmei, x_cvmsp, x_cvmre)
for all entries in it_batch
WHERE matnr = it_batch-matnr
AND werks = it_batch-werks
AND charg = it_batch-charg.
LOOP AT it_batch.
x_tabix = sy-tabix.
IF NOT ( x_clabs EQ 0 AND
x_cumlm EQ 0 AND
x_cinsm EQ 0 AND
x_ceinm EQ 0 AND
x_cspem EQ 0 AND
x_cretm EQ 0 AND
x_cvmla EQ 0 AND
x_cvmum EQ 0 AND
x_cvmin EQ 0 AND
x_cvmei EQ 0 AND
x_cvmsp EQ 0 AND
x_cvmre EQ 0 ).
move space to it_batch-matnr.
modify it_batch index x_tabix transporting matnr.
*Begin of Modifications BDVK945500 by TCS941764 on 30/08/2006
CLEAR x_objek.
x_objek(18) = it_batch-matnr.
x_objek+18(4) = it_batch-werks.
x_objek+22(10) = it_batch-charg.
CLEAR inob.
SELECT SINGLE cuobj FROM inob INTO inob-cuobj
WHERE obtab = 'MCHA'
AND objek = x_objek
AND klart = '022'.
CONCATENATE inob-cuobj 'O' INTO it_batch-objectid.
MODIFY it_batch index x_tabix transporting objectid.
*End of Modifications BDVK945500 by TCS941764 on 30/08/2006
DELETE it_batch where matnr = space.
Use the select statement outside the loop and the delete statement leads to the loss of index which leads to more processing time. So, I have removed delete outside the loop and also whenever u are using modify statements use it along with index. All these changes will definetely lead to a better performance.