2010 Mar 30 6:13 PM
The issue is, I am validating some data based on standard transaction SAVE button, in case of in-valid, i'm displaying the error message. Now after the error message the screen got locked, even if I press 'enter' or any user action..screen got locked. In my validation i have written the logic for sy-ucomm = 'SAVE'. But the issue is, after displaying the error message, in the next user action..sy-ucomm would not changed, i think becuase of PBO is not getting called. When i hit enter second time, then it works fine. Is there any way to check in the validation that PBO is called or not, so I can skip the error message in case when sy-ucomm = save and screen has not completed the PBO cycle.
(I am also trying to write the code at some other appropriate place, but could not find the place and it's a standard SAP code)
2010 Mar 30 6:25 PM
Do your validation in the PAI, not the PBO; otherwise, you'll end up saving the data and then trying to issue an error message.
2010 Mar 30 6:25 PM
Do your validation in the PAI, not the PBO; otherwise, you'll end up saving the data and then trying to issue an error message.
2010 Mar 30 6:55 PM
My code is in PAI module. But when error message is displayed, then after the first user action, SY-UCOMM would not changed and hence my logic is not working properly. As i said earlier, after the 2nd user acation e.g if I hit 'ENTER' two times, then its' fine. So in the 2nd 'enter', sy-ucomm is getting changed. Any suggestion?
2010 Mar 30 7:26 PM
What you can do is Display your message in the format below and then exit.This will not lock your screen.
2010 Mar 30 8:28 PM
Solved at my own. Added another attribute in the condition which is sy-dynnr.