2007 Jul 09 2:53 PM
What are the object oriented concepts in ALV reporting ..
I mean to say that what r the 'Hierarchy ...'
Please kindly , help me...
2007 Jul 09 2:59 PM
Check this program...
The hierachy is used mainly in ALV Tree programs....You define for example...
--> SALES 2005
--> SALES 2006
--> SALES 2007
--> SALES 2005
--> SALES 2006
--> SALES 2007
You got a company hierachy....and you got sales for each company -:)
2007 Jul 09 3:25 PM
Hi Bikram,
some links.
download the PDF from following link.
The ALV object Grid methods allow the same functionality as ALV grid report function modules but are displayed within
a screen (dialog program). SAP has provided a suit of programs which demonstrate how to For examples see standard SAP
programs as detailed below:
BCALV_EDIT_01 This report illustrates the simplest case of using an editable/noneditable ALV Grid Control.
BCALV_EDIT_02 This report illustrates how to set chosen cells of an ALV Grid Control editable.
BCALV_EDIT_03 In this example the user may change values of fields SEATSOCC (occupied seats) and/or PLANETYPE.
The report checks the input value(s) semantically and provides protocol messages in case of error
BCALV_EDIT_04 This report illustrates how to add and remove lines to a table using the ALV Grid Control and how to
implement the saving of the new data.
BCALV_EDIT_05 This example shows how to use checkboxes within an ALV Grid Control. You learn:
(1) how to define a column for editable checkboxes for an attribute of your list
(2) how to evaluate the checked checkboxes
(3) how to switch between editable and non-editable checkboxes
BCALV_EDIT_06 This example shows how to define a dropdown listbox for all cells of one column in an editable ALV
Grid Control.
BCALV_EDIT_07 This example shows how to define dropdown listboxes for particular cells of your output table.
BCALV_EDIT_08 This report implements an ALV Grid Control with an application specific F4 help. The following aspects
are dealt with:
(1) how to replace the standard f4 help
(2) how to pass the selected value to the ALV Grid Control
(3) how to build an f4 help, whose value range depend on a value of another cell.
<b>Reward points if helpful.</b>
2007 Jul 09 3:27 PM
go through this link