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Need to add fields into VFX3 output using Z program

Former Member
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Hello All,         I have to add some 6 fields into VFX3 output which comes into ALV form.So shall i copy the SDBLBDDL.(VFX3 Program) and create a new z program and add field or there is any other solutions, as user want to do not add anything in Original VFX3 program, he want to use new z program which is copy of original one and make changes there and create a new tcode ZVFX3, but my concern only regarding ENHANCEMENT which is used in original program,Is any impact on ENHANCEMENT which has used in original that i create a copy of original one and add field into structure. Please help me out. Thanks Sankil


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Hi Sankil,

    While copying a complete report, you should take care at-least 2 types of development objects. Namely, Includes and Enhancement Implementations. Direct Includes will be copied and renamed automatically, but includes used within includes are not getting copied automatically.

Enhancement Implementations are created against Enhancement Point or Section. Enhancement Spot is the container for Points and sections. These points and sections are created against a particular program. So, You have to create your own Enhancement spot, Points & Sections as well as their implementations for your program.

     Or, You can also put code of implementations directly into your program. But, All implementations are not relevant for each and every system. You have to find the only relevant implementations.

Thank & Regards,


Active Contributor
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The displayed internal table has structure VMCFAO, you can append some fields in this one, and change the data in customer exit  FM EXIT_SAPLV60P_013 "Data Provision for Displaying Blocked Billing Document" in (SMOD) Enhancement V60P0001.



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Hello Sankil,

I applied solution for ask your question.

My follow way below.

1. Add the "Append Structure" to VMCFAO structure.

2. Find the userexit for fill itab. And found  Enhancement V60P0001-EXIT_SAPLV60P_013.

VFX3 run correctly and healty.

Best regards.