2007 Mar 13 6:41 AM
I have one requirement,pls if any body knows solution,guide me.
My query is,
Actually i want to retrieve text file from different application server means that is JDA server.For this I have used function module as "FTP_CONNECT'.but it is asking RFC destination.but with out rfc destination its not possible to connect to defferent server?.After completion my report again i want to send one text file to that same server.PLs any one knows guide me.its a urgent requirement.pls
Jayasankar Goud
2007 Mar 13 7:59 AM
For Running Function Module form Out side any system you need to make a RFC enabled Function Module.
Now If u want to RUN This function module from JDA server then you need to create one RFC Logical System using SM59. And need to address from JDA server.
If you can give me more details about JDA server then I will be in position to write an example for you and send you.
Mean while if this helps u give me points.
2007 Mar 14 6:44 AM
HI Darshan,
Thanks for reply.Actually my requirement is to get one text file from JDA server.For this I am having IP address of that server and user id and password.
and again i have to createone text file in SAP and i have to send My text file to that server through same IP address.can u tell me In what way i have to proceed to connect that server.IN that server they are using AS400 software.
Actually i am following in this way.IF this way is correct or not.i dont know exactly.pls if u know pls give guidance.
Actually by using FTP_CONNECT function module i am trying to connect to that server.
and next after connecting i am using FTP_COPY is to copy data into my internal table.
Pls if u know procedure means pls guide me.
2007 Mar 14 6:47 AM
Hi Darshan,
One more request that some body has told me that with out RFC connection by using ABAP script to run unix we can retrieve data from that server.BUT i am not sure.IF u know this method also pls guide me.and if u have any sample prog of SCRIPT.pls send it to me.
2007 Mar 16 10:51 AM
before setting an RFC destination you need to configure SALE transaction..
Ensure you have registered the appropriate client which you are using there...
Else it will not work and result in a dump in your RFC usages
Hope this solves your problem
PS : Please reward points if solution is helpful