2007 Feb 27 10:59 AM
this is my requirement: When create a shipment (VT01N ) transaction code , i need to do some calucation and finally update into field (VTTK-EXTI1). but it is not updating: iam using FM exits :EXIT_SAPLV56U_004 and EXIT_SAPLV56U_005.
data is coming into internal table , but not upating into field.
please help me.
2007 Mar 01 4:29 PM
Hi Chandra - you are not providing much info for someone to help you. Which tables are you populating? Are you populating the UPDKZ with a "U" in the I_XVTTK table?
2007 Mar 01 4:40 PM
HI Chandra
You need to fill I_XVTTK-EXIT1 in EXIT_SAPLV56U_004.