2008 Jan 22 1:37 PM
How to use Native Sql in my ABAP Program to validate Datafile . Pls send me Native sql statements file and any ABAP (Datamigration prefferd) program.
2008 Jan 22 1:40 PM
Hi Vinay,
Native SQL statements define an area in an ABAP program in which one or more Native SQL statements are to be carried out. The area between EXEC and ENDEXEC is not completely checked by the syntax check. The statements entered there are passed to the Native SQL interface and processed there as follows:
Almost all SQL statements that are valid for the addressed database system can be included between EXEC and ENDEXEC, in particular the DDL statements. These SQL statements are passed from the Native SQL interface to the database system largely unchanged. The syntax rules are specified by the database system, in particular the case sensitivity rules for database objects. If the syntax allows a separator character between individual statements, you can include several Native SQL statements between EXEC and ENDEXEC. Generally, the semicolon ( is used as the separator character.
You can also include SAP-specific Native SQL language elements between EXEC and ENDEXEC. These statements are not passed directly from the Native SQL interface to the database, but are converted appropriately.
All Native SQL statements bypass SAP buffering.
The ENDEXEC statement sets sy-dbcnt to the number of table rows processed in the last Native SQL statement. After implicit cursor processing with PERFORMING, sy-dbcnt contains the total number of lines read.
Programs with Native SQL statements are generally dependent on the database system used, so that they cannot be executed in all ABAP systems. This is especially true for the examples in this section, which was written for Informix database systems.
Inserting two rows in the database table SCARR. If neither of these rows exists, sy-subrc is set to 0 by ENDEXEC and sy-dbcnt to 1. Otherwise, an exception is raised and handled.
DATA: exc_ref TYPE REF TO cx_sy_native_sql_error,
error_text TYPE string.
VALUES ('000', 'FF', 'Funny Flyers', 'EUR',
VALUES ('000', 'EF', 'Easy Flyers', 'EUR',
CATCH cx_sy_native_sql_error INTO exc_ref.
error_text = exc_ref->get_text( ).
MESSAGE error_text TYPE 'I'.
kindly reward if found helpful.
2008 Jan 22 1:52 PM
U r information is valuable.
My requirement is to validate Flat file using Native Sql so i will be using native SQL to fetch data from database.Pls send any Document which consists Native Sql statements especially Handling Internaltables.
2008 Jan 22 1:58 PM
U r information is Valuable
My requirement is to validate Flat file using Native Sql so i will be using native SQL to fetch data from database.Pls send any Document which consists Native Sql statements especially Handling Internaltables.