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Multiple custom tabs in Outbound Delivery?

Former Member
0 Kudos


Is it possible to create multiple tabs in Outbound Delivery? The two BADIs for adding custom tabs in Delivery are LE_SHP_TAB_CUST_ITEM for Item Details and LE_SHP_TAB_CUST_HEAD for Header Details. I was thinking first of creating multiple Implementations in LE_SHP_TAB_CUST_HEAD but this is not possible because Multiple Use is not allowed for this BADI. But the requirement is to create two custom tabs in the Header Details. Is it possible to activate two tabs within a single Implementation? Has anyone tried doing this?

Is the proposal below possible? Will it allow to create more than 1 custom tab?


METHOD if_ex_le_shp_tab_cust_head~activate_tab_page.

ef_caption = 'Custom Tab 1'.

ef_position = 13.

ef_program = 'Z_PROG_01'.

ef_dynpro = '5000'.

$$-Start: 9999----


ENHANCEMENT 2 Z_CUSTOM_TAB_2. "active version

ef_caption = 'Custom Tab 2'.

ef_position = 14.

ef_program = 'Z_PROG_02'.

ef_dynpro = '6000'.


$-End: 9999----



Thanks in advance.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

What you can try is you can create two on the sab will be like single tab containing two sub tabs...give it a try

Not sure possible or not just an idea..


0 Kudos

Thanks for that idea Nabheet. It is something to consider and propose to business. But with regards to my original question, assuming the alternative (one you proposed) was not approved for some business reason, is it possible to add two or more separate tabs within a single implementation, as per my example before?

Note: I want to try and implement it to test but I cannot right now due to an ongoing but separate development in the same BADI. So I cannot touch it. So this is actually a future requirement, after said development is done, but one I'm being asked to review and create a technical design. Thanks!

0 Kudos

Check in subscreen tab in badi implementation can you specify more than one subscreen if yes then just make a small test..
