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Movement types

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

I want to get the movement types used in MSEG , for a perticular plant , storage location, fiscal year.

In order to obtain the result i have fetched all the movement types from T156,

and by looping the table , i have checked whether a the movement type exist or not using SELECT SINGLE . But this is taking a lot of time and even throwing a time out error. Can any body suggest me another way to over come this problem .

I have used for all entries but same problem persists.

thanks and regards,

sandeep .


Former Member
0 Kudos


i think then you can use this way..

select distinict ( bwart ) from mseg into table itab where mjahr = 'year' and werks = 'plant' and lgort = 'storage loc' group by bwart.

the list in the itab will give you the list of movement types that satisfies your requiremnet, but i think this will take a long time, as the sql command will have to access a huge amount of data in mseg...just try and c

if helpful, reward

Sathish. R


Former Member
0 Kudos


first of all, i believe movement types are not specific to plant, storage location, fiscal year...unless and until we restrict the mvt. types specific to plant and storage loc. by an user exit or badi or authorization, it's applicable to all the mvt. types will satisfy your's kind of generic and is company-specific..

if helpful, reward

Sathish. R

Message was edited by:

Sathish R

0 Kudos

Hi satish ,

Thanks for the reply,

I dint mean that , the movement types are plant specific.

But , during a year ..its possible that only some movement type are used.

I want only those movement types which are used during the period.



Former Member
0 Kudos


i think then you can use this way..

select distinict ( bwart ) from mseg into table itab where mjahr = 'year' and werks = 'plant' and lgort = 'storage loc' group by bwart.

the list in the itab will give you the list of movement types that satisfies your requiremnet, but i think this will take a long time, as the sql command will have to access a huge amount of data in mseg...just try and c

if helpful, reward

Sathish. R