2008 Oct 22 1:06 PM
2008 Oct 22 3:12 PM
No it is not possible ,instead you can try with CL_SALV_TABLE if you are on higher versions.
2008 Oct 22 3:04 PM
This is not possible as we would be using Custom Container for this.
Thanks and Regards,
Venkat Phani Prasad Konduri
2008 Oct 22 3:12 PM
No it is not possible ,instead you can try with CL_SALV_TABLE if you are on higher versions.
2008 Oct 23 6:26 AM
Thanks Vijay, by using CL_SALV_TABLE can we have the same toolbar? Iam using ECC 6.0.Can u give any example?
2008 Oct 23 6:37 AM
check this sample code.
report ztest_salv.
data: alv type ref to cl_salv_table.
types: begin of ty_tab,
carrid type sflight-carrid,
connid type sflight-connid,
end of ty_tab.
data: col_tab type ref to cl_salv_columns_table,
col type ref to cl_salv_column_table.
data: col_ref type salv_t_column_ref,
wa like line of col_ref.
data: it_flight type standard table of ty_tab.
select carrid connid from sflight into table it_flight
up to 10 rows.
r_salv_table = alv
t_table = it_flight
"get all the columns
col_tab = alv->get_columns( ).
col_ref = col_tab->get( ).
"loop each column
loop at col_ref into wa.
"Conditionally set the column type as key or non key
if wa-columnname = 'CARRID'.
col ?= wa-r_column.
col->set_key( abap_true ).
col->set_cell_type( 5 ).
data: lr_functions type ref to cl_salv_functions_list.
lr_functions = alv->get_functions( ).
lr_functions->set_all( abap_true ).
alv->display( ).
2008 Oct 23 6:57 AM
Thanks Vijay,but the toolbar I was asking was OOALV toolbar,like insert/Delete/Add rows buttons,the toolbar Iam getting is REUSE_ALV.....toolbar.Hope Iam clear in my questian.