2009 Jan 24 5:22 AM
hi all,
MIRO, MIR7 and MIR4 performance is very poor and giving TIME_OUT DUMP(at peak times). All Dumps are showing same Select Statement.
>>>>> SELECT * FROM mseg WHERE lfbja = yydrseg-lfgja AND
265 lfbnr = yydrseg-lfbnr AND
266 lfpos = yydrseg-lfpos.
267 IF sy-subrc EQ 0 AND mseg-bwart = '105'.
268 rdoc2 = mseg-mblnr.
269 ryear2 = mseg-mjahr.
270 ritem2 = mseg-zeile.
271 ENDIF.
MSEG table having Standard Index only. no Z index.
And this transactions have
Enhancement LMR1M001--> EXIT_SAPLMRMP_010 --> INCLUDE ZXM08U16 and
above enhancement and bapi having almost same code. here i have one doubt, both are having same code know, both are required? if required in which stages those are executing. please explain me.
(above select statement not is there in enhancement or bapi)
2009 Jan 25 8:51 AM
even we have had the same problem
Create z index on mseg with.
MANDT Client
LFBJA Fiscal Year of a Reference Document
LFBNR Document No. of a Reference Document
LFPOS Item of a Reference Document
2009 Jan 25 8:51 AM
even we have had the same problem
Create z index on mseg with.
MANDT Client
LFBJA Fiscal Year of a Reference Document
LFBNR Document No. of a Reference Document
LFPOS Item of a Reference Document
2009 Jan 25 1:53 PM
Try poplating directly in an internal table after selection without using ENDSELECT. This should increase the performance and access the data quickly without exceeding the time limit.
2009 Jan 27 4:07 AM
Thanks Chetan.
MRIO, MIR7 and MIR4 transactions have
Enhancement LMR1M001--> EXIT_SAPLMRMP_010 --> INCLUDE ZXM08U16 and
above enhancement and bapi having almost same code. here i have one doubt, both are having same code know, both are required? if required in which stages those are executing. please explain me.
2009 Jan 27 4:53 AM
hi Chetan,
Bellow Select Statement belongs to J_1I4_GET_ACTUAL_DUTY_IN_LIV Function Module. How we have to change the Standard FM. Please tell me.
*get the material document
SELECT * FROM mseg WHERE lfbja = yydrseg-lfgja AND
lfbnr = yydrseg-lfbnr AND
lfpos = yydrseg-lfpos.
IF sy-subrc EQ 0 AND mseg-bwart = '105'.
rdoc2 = mseg-mblnr.
ryear2 = mseg-mjahr.
ritem2 = mseg-zeile.