2007 Jun 05 2:36 PM
Hello Everybody.
i m getting one problem with reference to MIGO tcode.
Might be anyone notice or not but i want to share with you.
in MIGO selected goods receipt then beside it ask for the different actions.
I use the purchase order no.
suppose i given po no 1
now it will display the details of that po number (1) but at the same time po number field is again in the input mode and you can give more po number .
suppose now i have given po no 2.
Then in same gr we will be having the item details of both po number( 1 & 2) .
This is my problem .I want to make restriction that in single gr it should take only one po number not more than that ,after giving one po ,it should make that field in display mode.
How to do that please guide me .
I will be grateful to you.
Thanks a lot
2007 Jun 05 3:35 PM
You can use a field exit on any field that gets filled when the first PO is entered
check that field (Something like challan Number , Delivery date)
if is if filled use the "screen" Table to make the PO Number field Display only .
2007 Jun 06 3:33 PM
What you told that we have to do .
My question is how to do.
Can u tell me the field exitno. for this purpose.
Second thing where to make the screen-input = 0 for the po number after it have given once.