2009 Jan 29 12:27 PM
Hi All,
Iam fetching data from two different sap systems( two different sap server). I need to compare the datas from both the systems. I have written program in one system and using rfc call iam fetching data from the other system. Iam able to compare the values.
I want to know what is the maximum data or record can rfc can fetch from the system and also the maximum time that can rfc will take data without timed out error?
where we can find the parameter in the which the above info is stored in the system?
2009 Jan 29 12:44 PM
2009 Jan 29 9:33 PM
I don't think there is a maximum size.
There is a time limitation defined in rdisp/max_wprun_time parameter (RZ11 transaction). See [sap library - Configuration of System Resources for aRFC, tRFC, qRFC|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70/helpdata/EN/62/73241e03337442b1bc1932c2ff8196/frameset.htm]
2009 Jan 29 9:44 PM
I had a similar requirement...since its not very often used activity, I used FM RFC_GET_TABLE_ENTRIES to fetch arnd 3.8 Lacs entries. It took arnd 17 secs approx to fetch those entries.