2008 Jan 22 12:36 PM
Dear Technical Guy,
Here We are struggling with Material MAster Data Upload. In Classification View batch name and bact class is not picing in the Direct input Method..Could u give me any solution for that..
2008 Jan 22 12:39 PM
check ur code whether ur passing the values corresponding to this fields...
2008 Jan 22 12:51 PM
Hi Dhanush,
Don't use the direct input method, but use IDocs: message type MATMAS. This offers the possibility for maintaining classification views as well.
2008 Jan 22 12:55 PM
Hi Dhanush,
Can you please be a bit clear.
Are u facing problem while creating classification view or something else.
If that is the problem then extend the material with classification view after the upload is done.
Revert back with details.