2006 Aug 04 10:52 AM
I am using a BAPI and then using BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT.
After this I am inserting data returned by BAPI into a database table and doing COMMIT WORK.
How can I combine these two to be in same Logical Unit of Work (LUW)?
2006 Aug 04 10:56 AM
Hi shreyas,
1. By nature,
the two things
a) first commit for the original transaction bapi
b) second commit for commit bapi
2. are separate things,
3. and B)
can occur only if a) occurs,
which in itself is a commit
4. I don't think we can do this in any direct way.
5. At the most, everything can be
bundled in a FM of Update type,
and tried.
amit m.
2006 Aug 04 11:00 AM
first of all why would you want to do so ?
For every BAPI call for any creation entries explicit commit has to addressed by the developer.
After you retrieve the bapi return and update in a db table why would you want to use a commit work expicitly? Implicit commit happens for updations.
Revert back if the answer is not clear and if helpful kindly reward.