2008 Nov 03 5:01 AM
I am using loop at screen in my code..But when i go to debugging it is showing that screen is a structure....can anyone tell me how it possible to loop at structure...
Also I have declared only 4 selection screens...But some 15 plus times my loop is going to loop at screen...any specfic reason?
2008 Nov 03 5:04 AM
Hi Arvind,it will show screen as a structure with 17 fields.In these fields only u will set the attributes like INPUT = 'X',Invisible,required etc.As far as loop is concerned,(as far as my knowledge)it will depend on the number of text fields and input/ouput fields on selection screen.If u have 4 Parameters in selection screen then it will loop 8 timese and if u have declared few select options then it will loop more number of times.
Thanks & Regards,
2008 Nov 03 5:07 AM
sep screen attributes will be maintained for every field....
example parameters : p_matnr like mara-matnr..
for this case loop will rotate two times
one for text----p_matnr.
one for i/o fields ---p_matnr..
2008 Nov 03 5:07 AM
use this loop in PBO wer its looping on the control table
2008 Nov 03 5:45 AM
In reports, write Loop at Screen under 'AT SELECTION-SCREEN' or 'AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT' depending upon your requirement.
2008 Nov 24 10:25 AM